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John Tyndall pt 12

The Eleventh Hour

Derek Beacon. First BNP Councillor elected in 1993.

Chapter 14 – A new Land and People

• Dilapidated towns and cities of  modern Britain

• Local Government must be removed from the market place

• Environmentalists not interested in preserving the most important thing of all – the British people

• Selective breeding and race quality

• Our revolution must be a revolution against contemporary ‘Modernism‘ and back to Classicism

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2 Responses

  1. JBW

    Thanks very much for you good work, Paul, and keep up the good work. If we here, of the pioneer stock were not so deeply hypnotized from the exceedingly numerous generational deceptions generated by the moneyed class of British-Upper-Class-want-a-bees (a despicable, self-interested group of perverts here, if ever in the history of time there were a group of self-deceived anti-Christ SOD’s)….maybe we here on this side of the old continent would have more empathy for the reality of the fight, how it has “evolved” both here,, there, and on the continent over the last 100-120 years through the wizards of media and bad government.

    Can you provide reference materials by name, if they exist other than what you are putting out through the White Network, to apprise those of us with British-o-philic attitudes as well as lover for our more political bothers in Germany? We know what has gone on there don’t we, and rather weird how the lens of history is starting to parallel the reactions that brought the previous history to bear….

    Can you reference books or periodicals available? Perhaps and British Nationalist Book Club or History Reader, thank-you-very much!

  2. Paul Hickman


    Thank you.

    My main reference point for this series is John Tyndalls’ book ‘The Eleventh Hour’. I don’t believe there’s a pdf available.

    I also refer to his journal Spearhead.


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