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Announcing “The International Jew Study Hour”


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3 Responses

  1. Henry Ford was a genius.
    Here is a short movie I made about him a few years back.

    Looking forward to the I.J. Study Hour.

  2. “I do not endeavor to discover why Joshua or Josuah, captain of the Jews, in making his tribe pass from the east of the river Jordan to the west, towards Jericho, should want God to suspend the course of this river, which is not at that place forty feet wide, when it was so easy to throw a bridge over it, and which it was still more easy to ford. There were several fords to this river, which is proved by the Israelites slaying at one of them the forty-two thousand Jews who could not pronounce the word Shibboleth.” – Voltaire


  3. donothingwnc

    I’m really excited about this series! I finished this book a few months ago, and think its probably the best on the jewish question for people unfamiliar with the subject.

    I find him to treat them fairly and without the anger which they revile Ford with.

    Its really great to get to study this and hear y’alls commentary. Thank you so much!

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