John Tyndall after being assaulted by a Red Mob. David Copeland is in the background. The photographer conveniently captured them both in the same frame - just months before the bomb attacks
The Eleventh Hour – Chapter 18 Britain and the world
• France was only prevented from bringing greater force to bear against us across the Atlantic (during the American war of Independence) by her heavy military commitments in Europe, such as the War of Spanish Succession (1704 – 1714) and the Severn years war (1756 – 1763)
• In 1834 the Zollverein or customs Union came into existence – only Austria and the German Northwest Coast land remained aloof
• That Germany might covet British possessions in Africa was not inconceivable but it certainly was not probable; with potential enemies enough, it was hardly likely that she should wish to add to these what was then the greatest Empire in the world
• The Washington Conference 1922
• Sir Oswold Mosley was the only prominent British political figure who vocally opposed declaring war on Germany
“Each of you, Jew and Gentile alike, who has not already enlisted in this sacred war (against Hitler’s Germany) should do so now and here”
Samuel Untermeyer (elected President of the World Jewish Economic Federation) Text printed in New York Times August 7th 1933
• Behind the facade of Western – Soviet ‘enmity’ there was all along, Western – Soviet collaboration
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I too love the truth of history. Sorry, but can’t buy the view that British troops were “allowed” to evacuate Dunkirk . Plenty of Youtubes out there, showing NS troops shooting away. If it were not for the little folks of the British Motherland, heading out with their boats, to rescue Britannia’s sons, the troops nearly trapped, would have been captured. 2nd disagreement on todays reading by Voice of Albion: why in hell, and what good would a “treaty” between Japan and Britain do, in the early part of the 20th century?
None of the above takes away from my genuine friendship with those of German stock today, February, 2014. And indeed, John Tyndall and I were friends. Friends can often disagree ?
John Beattie
Of course friends can often disagree.
I think the French army not being destroyed played a part in Hitlers thinking re: Dunkirk. I still think the evidence that J.T gives from Von Kliest and Runstedt is convincing. I believe Hitler did let them go – even if some Luftwaffe pilots and wehrmacht Soldiers fired pot shots.
With Japan I think it’s relevant that they were British allies in WW1. At Versailles they walked out because they were not granted their ‘Racial Equality Proposal’, which would have threatened Australia’s White Immigration policy.
I suppose the advantage of having a Naval agreement with them (prior to WW2) was not having a powerful maritime enemy in the Far East. Which is what J.T says.
I was surprised he never brought up the Anglo German naval agreement – perhaps he thought it too obvious?
Dunkirk. Did Hitler Permit the British to Escape? – David Irving
The above Irving link proves that AH did not, in advance, say to let the British go. Irving says his research indicated that Hitler was surprised the Brits did not fight it out on beaches. Irving says clearly on your provided link Paul, that AH did not even know of the Allied escape, until AFTER the fact.
John Beattie
I realise the link doesn’t back up my side. Even if Irving is correct – Hitler still gave the Brits a chance (on purpose) in my opinion. Whether they used it to dig in or evacuate I don’t see as highly important.
Of interest here are America’s War Plans Red and Orange: