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False Visions of Hitler in the West, Part II: The Underlying Foreign Policies of Germany

Meeting of Chamberlain and HitlerIn this program, August discusses one of the more contentious issues underlying the Good War myth: That what drove Adolf Hitler’s foreign policy was a desire to undermine the West, including the British Empire and the United States.  He goes deeper into textual and historical material in search of Hitler’s actual attitudes toward the British Empire, the pivotal nation that a policy of presumed “world domination” would have to target.  In fact, as was discussed on the first episode of this installment, Hitler sought an alliance with the British Empire, and neither a compliant and submissive ally nor an antagonist to his actual foreign policy aims, which were to unite the German people and secure their existence.  In the second half of the show, August concludes that we must emphasize the racial dimensions of the impact of our World War II mythology above all, even if more mainstream revisionist and alternative views about the war may fail to strongly accentuate the underlying and important racial point.

In the course of the program, August also brings up:

  • Discussion of Patrick J. Buchanan’s book, Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost its Empire and the West Lost the World as a mainstream link to an important point not just about national decline, but more broadly, about our racial decline.
  • Mention of Hitler’s Second Book, written after Mein Kampf but unpublished, which has formed the subject of some controversy and which focuses on Hitler’s fundamental foreign policies.
  • The extent to which Hitler’s desire for an alliance with the British Empire was realistic and reflected the scope of the geopolitics of his era, in light of Hitler’s own awareness of the extent of Jewish influence on British finance.

Email: worldswomb AT gmail DOT com

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