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Top 10 Rock Ballads of All Time…….(by just us Whites folks)

October 20, 2012

This is going to be the most fun we’ve had on this show yet! We are going to debate, argue, and ponder who is crazy, and accuse each other of poor taste or great taste or whatever. We are discussing which songs are the TOP 10 GREATEST ROCK BALLADS of all time… and they are all by us White people!!!! Hard to believe isn’t it?

Robert discloses which songs are considered the top songs, at least according to the many and various websites and magazines. He will take probably the top 15 and see what the listeners will think in parring down the number to a cool top 10.

*How far back will it go in time;

*Who and/or why many of the songs were written;

*What type of song would qualify;

*The mistaken values that listeners sometimes read into a song;

*Why a songwriter gets credit or why not for a certain song…

Again, this may be Robert’s best show to date. Hold on for the ride of your musical life!!!!

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