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Introducing The Heretics’ Hour


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4 Responses

  1. Hilmar

    Miss Yeager, may I humbly ask you to consider utilizing this video as a decorous, discreet embed on TWN?

    I notice your prominent inclusion of the great Lane proverb in the “programme”, so it would perhaps be congruent, felicitous even.

    If you would prefer another type of videostyle on your site, or perhaps no video at all, I certainly understand.

    Thank You.

  2. Hilmar

    This will be the last time I petition/offer you to embed my video on the 14 Words here on your excellent site:

    Here it is, in a slightly higher resolution than YT.

    I’ll send you the embed codes if you would like to incorporate it.

    The embeds from Vimeo can be customized to specific size, color of player button (white); progress-bar, volume-level, looping, e.t.c.

    Thank You.

    Would you consider doing a revisionist-style episode about White Egypt?

  3. Etienne

    Congratulations on having Vincent Reynouard on your next show. He is truly the denierbud of France:

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