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A comment from Steve that came during the program that I didn’t see:
That’s making use of our larger numbers. But 40 million people?! I guess it would be amazing if we got 1 million. It might have to be $5 a month! Still, we would have to set up a non-corruptible committee to work up a plan, a Paypal account and P.O. Box in which to receive the $5 donations, and some kind of legal framework. We need lawyers, which the Jews have plenty of. Nothing is simple. Someone would have to really work at it.
It’s thinking in the right direction though.
Before I listen to the show I would like to make a comment if that is ok.
When I was young in the 1960s, for the first time my mother saw a man walking down the street pushing a pram. She came home and said to me “I have just seen the beginning of the end of Western Civilization.” I asked how and she replied “When the men of a nation become emascualted they will inevatable become weak and cease to fight and to lead” and then of the womens movement she said “When the men of a nation go bad there is still hope because the purity of the women will convey the values and spirituality of the race to the next generation and then that generation can restore the race, but if the women of the nation go bad that nation will fall.”
And I would add for today that when the situation is so desperate that it is the women like Carolyn Yeager or Emma West Or Jacqueline Woodhouse who go to the barricades to fight, and in the case of the last two ladies are viciously cut down by the regime, and when the men do not then themselves get up to fight but say nothing, then we can really begin to worry the end is near.
On another point I have to say that I am ashamed of any white person, particularly the intellectuals in our movement, who are ashamed of Adolf Hitler. God gave us this political Jesus to save us and the Jews conned us into killing him just as they conned the Romans into killing Jesus.
Finally an example of fighting back. Romanian National Socialists, to counter the filth and misegenation promoted by the Jewish music industry, made this simple but deep video expressing OUR race and culture which then became a hit in the pop charts. The opening and closing titles added in the UK:
This Sikh shooting is another example of how they manipulate our people. I don’t know if the shooter was a White nationalist, if he was mind-controlled, or just went nutty, but the result is that most people who express any opinion are more concerned about the Sikhs than the fact that White Wisconsin is now also a multi culti cesspool. No one even discusses the idea that there are plenty of Whites that are pretty damned sick and tired of having their communities destroyed by the influx of other races who are and should be seen as invaders however they gained access to our nation, which we know is thanks to the Jews and our traitors who work with them.
Steve has an excellent point and it harkens back to the whole issue have building a REAL organization with a real DOCTRINE to which Whites can rally, especially the currently uninformed. The 14 Words should be the preamble to a White Separatist constitution based on Severus’ 6 points, the most important of which is the fact that the White race is unique AND endangered and deserves its own lands so it can continue to evolve as it was meant to. With an organization and an EXPRESS purpose there can be a depository and repository for the resources needed to stage an effective and peaceful way to do battle with the enemy for the hearts and minds of our people.
B – I have just learned that my website is, and has been for some time, under attack by sophisticated means. This is part of the reason for the problems I’m having. So I just have deal with the problems, I guess. One surprise, my article “Everything Greg Johnson knows about the Holocaust he learned from Mark Weber” has received almost 1000 hits in like 36 hours! That’s a first! And I’m talking about … I don’t know what the number of hits is on The White Network where it was first posted.
EditorNEMW, Wrote:
“The 14 Words should be the preamble to a White Separatist constitution based on Severus’ 6 points”
Are you kidding me? First, Whites will never join such an organization. For obvious reasons.
Second, WN’s cannot even manage to meet to exchange business cards yet keep carrying on of fantastic fantasies involving “Homelands” and “Separation”. Which are most likely run by Feds or Zio-cretins.
Every other ethnic group in America has dozens of *effective* organizations devoted to the political, social and/or economic needs of their group.
Yet Whites cannot even manage to create one single organization that produces results. Only websites asking for money. All we need to do is emulate one of the other groups.
OPAAR – Organization for the protection and advancement of the Aryan Race
@Euro American
Some of the stuff you say is not valid mainly because we are not like any other group. The whole system has targeted our group for extinction and eventual genocide. Even it got an organization, what would its purpose be? Accept our status as a powerless dispossessed minority, and start begging a totally anti-white system for “rights” and protection from their own policies?
No, we can do better than that.
On OPAAR — Seems like you’re doing what Severus made a little fun of – designing the name of the organization before there is any kind of organization. That name sounds like it’s based more on the NAACP. Yuk. The ADL doesn’t have the word Jew in it. That’s smart. But it says it’s fighting for ALL minorities (which, of course, it doesn’t). We are fighting for the majority, but we soon won’t be the majority so we have to come up with something else. I think White People is a better term than the Aryan Race.
Then again, something non-descript like The Southern Poverty Law Center might be the way to go. “Foundation for American Justice”. Then we define what American Justice is. It could be set up as a charity, too. To aid “Americans” who are the victims of white-bashing.
Anyway, first should come goals, strategies and structural set-up. The team that does this can suggest names. Who would be our umbrella organization sponsor?
Mike – It’s not begging in the form we’re taking about. The ADL never begged – it demanded and “educated.” We should also be organizing, demanding and educating – in a more systematic way. In the real world. It won’t change the government, but it might reach some of our sleepy Whites.
Mike Wrote:
“@Euro American
Some of the stuff you say is not valid mainly because we are not like any other group. The whole system has targeted our group for extinction and eventual genocide. Even it got an organization, what would its purpose be? Accept our status as a powerless dispossessed minority, and start begging a totally anti-white system for “rights” and protection from their own policies?
No, we can do better than that.”
Yes, you are unlike any other group. Other groups actually meet up and accomplish thing for their people.
We are “powerless” because you all *refuse* to do anything except brood on the internet. What aren’t you meeting up with other Whites networking?
This circular argument is getting old. We can’t do..because they won’t let us. If that’s true than there is no hope. Might as well run down to the ADL and surrender. Soon they will have the technology to watch your every move. And convict you of anything they please.
Sending 10 bucks to Don Black or fantasizing of a White Homeland in the Northwest is going to save us. Nor will the the attachment to WN dogma. Whites are losing their jobs, businesses, educational opportunities to immigrants and blatant discrimination. And all you people can offer is endless bickering and endless excuses as to why you cannot meet up like normal people used to do.
Time is running out.
I think what Wade Michael Page did has more to do with being an alcoholic than anything else. He was kicked out of the army because of alcohol. He lost his job in 2o10 because of alcohol. He then lost his home earlier this year because he couldn’t make the mortgage-payments. His life was a total ruin because of his craving for alcohol.
In contrast to some White countries that have a lot of social services, in the USA generally there isn’t a lot of help for adult males whose lives are a total ruin and don’t know what to do. In fact there is a tendency to despise such people and wish them ill. This is asking for trouble.
Shooting a bunch of hajees, as some people in the U.S. military call them, looks like just a way to go out with a bang instead of a whimper.
I think this is a great point about now focussing our attention on a having just a few really targeted groups like a reformed IHR and a counter to the ADL and SPLC. All the previous comments only bear out that wild hopes of uniting masses of people will not work without first creating some strong institutions which serve us. Keep it simple and keep it genuine and focussed. What I loved about this show and what is happening now is that some really great people are coming together around a handful of genuine networks. I would not worry about Duking it out financially with the money-grabbers out there, people can see they are mouthing of hot air and achieving nothing and will rather donate to an institution that really achieves something tangable that can be called a victory. This programme gave me a lot of hope. Actions speak louder than words, I believe our people are tired of just words. Even if these institutions start out with a 6 x 4 office and one telephone and one volunteer it will be a start. funding will follow.
Just to add Carolyn if I may what a truly great idea to use Alinksy’s principle of going after only one target at a time while resources are limited; aiming to attack one fort of the enemy and bring it down or bring focus on only one topical or vital issue. That is how a small office with one worker could really be as powerful as a bigger institution very quickly, especially if the future director of that institution was the only worker to begin with and really knew their stuff.
This idea could even be a recipe for ditching the IHR and starting anew. IHR’s resources are not going to go away anytime soon and are there to draw on while Mark can be burdened with the responsibility of funding their upkeep. We could concentrate on just doing what he is not and then everyone is happy with less expense for us. Pick one holohoax pillar and go hell for leather at it.
But very important is that these institutions have well designed constitutions with built-in safeguards that protect them from suffering the fate of the IHR or being bought out by Jewish power and finance.
The best form of defence is attack.
Euro-American’s thoughts have valitiy. Look at how most WN sites consentrate on the negitive aspects of Blacks and Mestizos but tell us how intelligent Jews and Asians are and that we should be more like them. Well if you believe in race i.e. genes then we can only be what we are. We can’t copy others. This Page dude is government. What person that has his background would have to buy a gun?
“Sources tell CBS News Page bought a 9 mm pistol at a store called The Shooters Shop. Manager Eric Grabowski says, “We see a lot of people every day and he didn’t stand out if he was in here.”
Page bought the gun July 28, just one week before the shooting spree.”
This is the reason to wait for all the evidence to come in before rushing to judgment, as the Jewish-controlled anti-White media always does. This would have been the message put out by a White Anti-Defamation League in the beginning. Almost always, the later information gives out a different picture than the first sketchy reports.
Great observation, Hadding. Men who go on shooting rampages are either crazed on something OR they feel it is all over for them so they take the opportunity to make a final statement that the world will hear. Makes sense. Usually they just go to the nearest place where aliens congregate.
I saw a black man yesterday whose arms were covered with tattoos, but they didn’t stand out because of his skin color. On white skin, tattoos really show up (therefore look worse).
If it was a Jew the Sikhs would have been blamed.
If it was a black or Latino it would have been hushed up.
Obama would have pleaded for tolerance.
If it is a white then the whole white race is nazi, white supramacist, fascist, etc.
Obama will plead for intolerance.
The Jews are simply piling up their own funeral pyre. Every time they defame us we are forced to harden our position towards them. All we want is peace from the Jews but they are continually at war against us.
This man was crazed from fighting their wars. All the thanks he will get from the Jews is defamation.
Great show as always Carolyn, love it when you and Tan get together
I thought you and some listeners might be interested in this video on the people behind the English Defense League. The whole thing is quite good, but if you are pressed for time, you can forward to 15:22 where he talks about a wealthy jewish donor lurking behind the EDL and Company who has ties to the ADL in the USA.
seems to me that trying to cloak such an organization behind a universalist name would only give them an opportunity, and rightly so, to say we are trying to pull a fast one. When the ADL was formed our society at large was a little too innocent to comprehend the deception, and now they are blatantly pro-Jew and anti-White because they’ve had the interceding events, most of them engineered by them, of the 20th century unfold in their favor so they can be blatant in response to us “evil” Whites. As for naming it, we obviously NEED a name and an organization and that MUST be built so “they will come”. Severus’ Six Points is also ‘designing” the movement is it not? We need an organization with a name and founding principles and it WILL take fire, there is no question. As I said on the show, the 14 Words are our Preamble and at the very least, the Six Points must be some of the guiding principles.
What I was getting at with the program was not an umbrella organization of White people’s interests and goals (which I think you are envisioning), but a more specific organization based loosely on the ADL. A “Defense League” that would look into and look after the interests of high-profile cases like Wade Michael Page and also groups, websites, etc. that are expressing White rights and interests in a legal manner. This organization could point out that those attacking and/or disparaging Whites are “haters.” It would have to have some legal assistance available to it (if just in the form of advice at first).
Here’s an example I just saw of the ADL functioning in the wide world:
We would have to put out our statements of that nature through our network-cooperating Internet sites. And none of this BS by some that “I don’t want to deal with the Holocaust.” Whatever is being used to beat down White people must be countered. This organization would decide what that was … how best to use it’s resources … just as the ADL does.
And White Rights organization will never be taken seriously with the burden of the “Holocaust” issue. And will be crawling with Feds and agent provocateurs.
You folks really must hate other Whites to deliberately sabotage any White ‘adl’ even before its birth. The same MO with Ron Paul meet ups and the Illegal alien protests.
Who needs Jews when you have White Nationalists.
I’m finished with anything remotely related to WN.
I wonder what kind of an agent provocateur you are? I doubt you were ever connected to WN.j
“We need a White man’s ADL”
I’ve been thinking and saying that for a long time. The Jewish supremacist vipers from the world’s premier “hate”(the truth) organization, along with their kin at the Semitic Propaganda and Litigation Center, never, ever, ever, feel any pressure or ‘sting’, i.e., $uffer conequences, for their ongoing unjust and immoral harassment of racially-conscious, Jew-aware White folks who don’t share their worldview!
The time for an Aryan Defense League (name tentative) has come. Actually, it’s way overdue! This is underscored by the recent taking down of ZionCrimeFactory and ProThink’s web site along with John Friend’s blog and perhaps more.
We can ‘thank’ those oh, so ‘tolerant’ vipers from the Arrogant Defamation League for this plus the weak-kneed internet hosting company whose owner(s) probably wet their pants when they received a letter of complaint from the aforementioned gangsters whining about ‘hate’ and violation of Jew-written (most likely) Terms of Service contract.
“The 14 Words should be the preamble to a White Separatist constitution based on Severus’ 6 points”
“Are you kidding me? First, Whites will never join such an organization. For obvious reasons.”
As the brown tide continues to rise, Whites will be FORCED to get on board the good ship U.S.S. White Rights & Survival or whatever that ship will be called…else they will be drown in the unfriendly and uncharitable waters of diversity!
“Yet Whites cannot even manage to create one single organization that produces results.”
Tell me about it.
“Only websites asking for money.”
It takes money to run web sites. But what would you know about that?
“Just to add Carolyn if I may what a truly great idea to use Alinksy’s principle of going after only one target at a time while resources are limited”
Speaking of the Jewish devil, here’s a direct link to this subversive ratz’s book released in 1971 called: Rules for Radicals – A Practical Primer for Realistic Radicals, responsible for much damage:
“THE REVOLUTIONARY FORCE today has two targets, moral as well as
material. Its young protagonists are one moment reminiscent of the
idealistic early Christians, yet they also urge violence and cry, “Burn the system down!” They have no illusions about the system, but plenty of
illusions about the way to change our world. It is to this point that I have written this book. These words are written in desperation, partly because it is what they do and will do that will give meaning to what I and the radicals of my generation have done with our lives.”
Burn the Jew’d system down!
And just listen to this next part:
“They are now the vanguard, and they had to start almost from scratch. Few of us survived the Joe McCarthy holocaust of the early 1950s and of those there were even fewer whose understanding and insights had developed beyond the dialectical materialism of orthodox Marxism.”
Joe McCarthy holocaust? LOL! Joe McCarthy has since been exonerated, proven to be 100% right! Boy, I tell ya…these paranoid Jews and their maniacal obsession with holocausts.
As much as I detest our enemy, I’ll use their tactics to achieve victory, if they have proven to be effective. Needless to say, they most certainly have.
“Dostoevski said that taking a new step is what people fear most. Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and chance the future.”–Rules for Radicals
It seems Ernst Zundel was doing what we’re talking about since 1968! From Wikipedia (thanks to Mary):
Professionally, Zündel worked as a graphic artist and printer. On several occasions in the 1960s he was commissioned to illustrate covers for Maclean’s Magazine. His views on Nazism and Jews were not well known in the 1960s and 1970s as he published his opinions under the pseudonym Christof Friedrich. At the time, he was also an organizer among immigrants for the Ralliement des créditistes, Quebec’s Social Credit party. In 1968 he joined the Liberal Party of Canada and ran in that year’s Liberal leadership convention under the name Ernest Zundel[10] as a self-described “nuisance candidate” running on an “immigrant rights” platform. He used his candidacy to allege that Canadian society was replete with anti-German attitudes. He dropped out of the contest prior to the voting, but not before delivering his campaign speech to the convention.
Zündel gained prominence and respectability during the 1970s as spokesman for Concerned Parents of German Descent, a group which claimed that German-Canadians and their children were the target of discrimination due to anti-German stereotyping in the media. In the late 1970s, Zündel, as the group’s spokesman, issued press releases protesting the NBC Holocaust miniseries for its depiction of Germans. In the late 1970s, reporter Mark Bonokoski unmasked Zündel and ended his career as a credible media spokesperson by revealing that using his Christof Freidrich pseudonym he was publishing neo-nazi and antisemitic pamphlets such as The Hitler We Loved and Why.[11]
Zündel campaigned in Canada to ban the movie Schindler’s List[12] on the grounds that it “generates hatred against Germans, and it should be possible to ban it under ‘hate laws’ in Canada, Germany, and other countries“[13] and celebrated the movie being banned in Malaysia and the Philippines, and effectively banned in Lebanon and Jordan.[14]
Carolyn, I noticed this old thread @ Vnn has some talk of a White ADL too in case you want to look
Starts post 19
ADL Launch ‘Pussy Riot’ International To Destroy Russian And Other Families and Christian Religion:
Wow… all this talk of a White ADL! By coincidence, (Godly intervention?)I had come up with this idea a few years ago as a joke whereas I said that I was a member of the “ANTI-Anti Defamation League” I had recently finished the song and even played it at a meeting just this Saturday night. I will be recording it this week. Maybe Tanstaafl and Carolyn would post the MP3 when it is finished? (I don’t mind). I’m pretty proud of it, and it is a rock-a-billy tune that is a lot of fun. I was going to add the White Network in a verse but thought it might start getting too long… but who knows?
‘Anti-Anti Defamation League’
Written by Robert Lloyd (Copyright: 8-9-12)
(Verse 1)
I’m a proud member of the Anti-Anti Defamation League…
And my dad was a member of the John Birch Society…
And my uncle’s in the Council of Conservative Citizenry…
And I’m a proud member of the Anti-Anti Defamation League…
(Verse 2)
I’m just a saved, true believer of the Christian Identity…
And I have friends in the Klan, they have a lot that sure appeals to me…
And they know how to dispense of all their Southern hospitality…
And they’re all proud members of the Anti-Anti Defamation League…
I’m a proud member of the Anti-Anti Defamation League…
I’m sick and tired of the Jews and their threats to our society…
I’ll remember those FOURTEEN WORDS and they will set me free…
And I’m a proud member of the Anti-Anti Defamation League…
(Verse 3)
I love the League of the South and all the Sons of the Confederacy…
And I’ve got German in my blood so I’m a Nazi for the world to see…
And the revisionists are right about the ‘Holohoax’ of history…
And they’re all proud members of the Anti-Anti Defamation League…
Dr David Duke’s a friend and stopped by and visited me…
He’s a well-mannered boy, not what the Jews wanted me to believe…
A bit picky of an eater and he’s total carbohydrate free!!!
And he’s a proud member of the Anti-Anti Defamation League…
(Repeat chorus)
(Verse 5)
Now Mr Don Black is White, and his Stormfront is rising in me…
He gives us all the information of our White nationality…
We can’t go wrong if we’re right,
And it looks right to me…
A White nation for our posterity…
We’re all proud members of the Anti-Anti Defamation League…
(Repeat hook line and out)
Robert, I especially like the “David Duke is carbohydrate free!”
He’s trying to stay healthy and strong; I agree that’s the way to do it.
And yes, send it to us.
Carolyn… because of David my lifestyle has changed too. I eat protein and little carbs or sugar. Funny thing… as it turns out, carbs are what make you hungry. When you don’t eat them you don’t get hungry. I wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t experience it.
And give me time the next few days and I’ll send you a great MP3 of ‘Anti-Anti Defamation League’…
By the way… you should have David Duke on your show.
I know what you are saying Carolyn, but as I tried to point out, and in your own example we see that the ADL doesn’t DEFEND Jews, it ATTACKS non-Jews. That is why I cannot stress enough that we must make a point of ATTACKING them. When I see an article about some Jew trying to get Jonathan Pollard out, I post it on Facebook, in fact, after our discussion I created a Facebook page so I can collect these stories when they come up and people can now see and react to this subversion in some way.
Does Severus have the 6 points written out somewhere or do I have to go back and listen to the shows and write them down myself?
He talked about them on this program, toward the end:
His blog is here:
Well, I don’t think it’s at all wise to come right out and say we’ve formed an organization to attack Jews. And anyway, defending Whites, and the rights of Whites, is what I have in mind. The rest will find its place. However, since I’m not going to start it, what I think doesn’t much matter.
Your Facebook page is great. But I think I have to have a FB account to even vote on it – is that right? I am not going to get one.
I’ll have to try and dig it out. It would make it so much easier if all this stuff was ready to post, etc. Well Carolyn, EDUCATION and ORGANIZATION were the primary reasons I built my NEMW site. Like the IHR, I intended to showcase older Nationalist works (for free) and post contemporary news and revisionist articles as a resource for people like us and to try to reach out to people that are starting to wake up and think like us. This morning the thought occurred to me that we should have actual academies restricted to only our people (i.e. White) that functions like a military academy. THAT is indeed what we need, training a vanguard in physical fitness, the Classics, true Christian thought (like CI), and political theory. We have all the elements available among us. Alex is a fine thinker, Severus, Bill. Bill has an incredible amount of historical data beyond the Biblical stuff. We have that college site that showcases the “Nazi propaganda” from which we can take all those pieces and reuse them with their originally intended positive pro-nationalist spin. It is all there, we just need to put it all together in a well organized easy to follow format, an online university. I in fact made a point of buying my latest Macintosh computer with the ltest version of server software because it has a Wiki server built in. But, as stated above and in many other discussions, there is no money in our movement to allow me or anyone else to function as the administrator of such an endeavor. I don’t even have the time to learn how to configure this Wiki as I live from job to job, and up here with all the Brazilians that have been brought in, I have to bid low to get the work I do get, so I can never build up any padding so I can sit on my butt for a week or two to get this stuff done on my own. I’d love to get a real web programmer to rebuild my site with all the latest gizmos if I had the money. That’s why Facebook is a great tool in the short term. I can understand not wanting to be on there, but I implore everyone that listens to you who has an FB account to LIKE the Pollard page.
Your academy describes exactly what the National Socialists set up. Think big. But you keep throwing together people with serious differences of thought in that one area that is so cantankerous: religion. It’s true though, that NS had this too, and top members were just as confirmed in their views as we are.
Carolyn has so many shows now it’s impossible to find time to respond.
Yes something to oppose the ADL is a great idea if it can be done. I think is should be called the Anti-Lying League (ALL) – and I would be inclined to have it adhere strictly to the supposed mission of the ADL which must be regarded as a joke by the people who run it, and also think it should be directed specifically at the Jews’ Lying and be totally egalitarian as opposed to white-centric, since (while we are the Jews’ main genocidal target right now there were other before us and will be others) we need to be able to get along in the current and likely furture multicultural society of America. I think the beliefs people have about the inferiority of other races, particularly blacks, will be proven wrong, and that in fact, this is an example of the same type of defamation and oppression the Jews believe and engage in. They need to be self-delusional to do it. So you get my point.
Yes the Holocauset Lie is the essential nucleus of the Jews’ racism that must be broken. Have often said that if you don’t understand the Holocaust Lie you don’t understand current events. (and all the heavily advancing Soviet-style agitation, police state, elitist oppression and permissiveness toward- and- financial impropriety that go with it.)
Far from talk of resources and professionals needed to establish a seperate white state, I wonder what kind of legal expertise would be needed to even put a perceptible dent that filth. It seems to me the matter of Auschwitz is completely disproven – as to both intent and actuality. And we’re not even aware of the no doubt daily Holocaust defamation, just on the web. It would require some kind of crawling mechanism – probably enormously expensive. But what a joy it would be to tell the BBC to go get F*&ed!
About the Sikh temple, there is an article from Alex Jones that says, among other things, that the temple’s video surveillance system was for some reson turned off that day, and there are videos of temple members saying there were multiple well organized armed assailants.
The sikhs are known for being wealthy, and it used to be said they had a lot of U.S. government contracts for their burgeoning and prosperous security firms, a calling they seem attracted to. You don’t suppose…
Bruce – We’ll be talking more about the ADL for Whites on Monday night … probably. Thanks for your name suggestion.
You’ve got to be kidding! You better read the “About” page on our menu bar. If you don’t agree with what we’re about, don’t post here. We’re not open to multiculturalism.
Did I hear this right… Nick Griffin does not like those at the Stormfront website because they see Jews behind every problem in the world? Who does he ‘think’ is behind the problems, Casper the friendly ghost?
Wow, I lost a lot of respect for his organization. Perhaps I didn’t hear him right?
Robert, the only reason I like that video by Nick Griffin is it exposes the ‘Counter-Jihad’ jewish movement now in firm control of the EDL.
Pamela Geller is really ramping up her efforts of late. She is creating new organisations all the time ( see ‘SION’ for their lastest jew-fest dressed up as “freedom fighting”). Too many White men are getting sucked into this crap and need to be alerted as to who is really running these ‘shows’.
Ps: They are also planning another big rally on September 11th in Jew York City , using many White’s grief over their lost loved ones as ways to establish themselves as ‘genuine’. It is a sickening spectacle and the men leading the EDL really have a lot to answer for when all this is said and done.
Understand Mary… thanks and that is important to know.
The celebration of the reduction of racial and ethnic stereotypes in entertainmaent by the ADL is strange, since Jews in showbusiness engaged in that kind of stereotyping to a very great degree. What is Al Jolson? What is Chico Marx? If you look at 100-year-old phonograph records from the period when “coon songs” were popular, you will see many names of Jewish Tinpan Alley composers (and performers) on the labels.
Hadding – The ADL is not necessarily in alignment with Jewish entertainers, who may want to play up stereotypes for their personal enrichment. I doubt the ADL approves of Sarah Silverman.