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A Call for Pro-White Voices

Published on August 30, 2012 by in Blog

We would like to add one or more programs dedicated to commentary and analysis aimed at contemporary social, cultural and political trends of concern to Whites, and especially White Americans.

Subject matter would include family values and child-rearing, housing (White flight, Section 8), education (NCLB, home schooling), employment, finances (taxes, loans, investment), entertainment (music, television, films), sports and recreation (NASCAR, parks, camping), political partisanship (Tea Party, Blue Dogs, environmentalism), quasi-political movements (NRA, Oathkeepers, Preppers, Sovereign Citizens), and more.

Contact us if you are passionate about topics like this, have what it takes to get on a soapbox and speak intelligently about such topics on a regular basis, and are interested in doing so at the White network.

tanstaafl at thewhitenetwork dot com
carolyn at thewhitenetwork dot com

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One Response

  1. We’ve been an organized force on the West Coast, primarily, since 1989. We tend to divide the problems facing the diverse white American peoples into three categories…the three D’s.

    Dispossession including the genocide arguments as well as clear cut governmental, media, and entertainment efforts to push the diverse white American peoples out of various cities, colleges, and organizations.

    Discrimination including governmental, media, and entertainment efforts to push the diverse white American peoples out of occupations and professions.

    Defamation including slurs, negative stereotypes, and hate caricatures.

    Judging from our organization’s name, you will note that we have focused on defamation with a good deal of success in various ways on the West Coastand sometimes on the East Coast.

    The ways in which we differ from other of the many pro-white American groups include a recognition of our own diversity, our need to focus on our own issues far more than those of other demographic affinity groups, the importance of stopping defamatory language against our kids, and the need to judge all our actions by its influence on newbies to the cause of white liberation as well as how it affects our growth in becoming authentically white in a white centric way.

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