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Jew Trades Link With World Revolutionaries – Episode 55


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2 Responses

  1. Rachel

    Trotski lived on St Marks (8th Street) between 1st and 2nd Avenue.
    Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman lived on 13th between 2nd and 3rd.

    “Immigration inspectors at Ellis Island were also Jewish” — Jeez. Talk about a revolving door.

    I grew up in East Germany under communism, and I always wondered how it was possible for communists in the 1930s to flee to New York, of all places.

  2. DJF

    “”””and I always wondered how it was possible for communists in the 1930s to flee to New York, of all places.”””

    The same way that the Jews were the ones most allowed to immigrate from the Soviet Union after WW2 all the way to the point the Soviet Union collapsed. They scream about the restrictions places on their movement when in fact even during the worse of the Stalin years Jews were entering and leaving the Soviet Union at a far higher rate then any other group.

    They weasel their way into a position of power and while proclaiming equality for all make sure that the Jews get special head of the line privileges. If you point out what they are doing they will scream anti-Semitism.

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