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Jack Pershing on Aryan Spirit and Virtue

Published on January 1, 2014 by in Blog

This month’s special program is a speech made by Jack Pershing in 1983. It will be broadcast each Wednesday and Friday starting at 9PM ET streaming continuously until the next scheduled program.

The Warrior and the Poet: J.E.B. Stuart and Ezra Pound at National Vanguard:

For the first time in written form, we present a profoundly inspirational speech by Jack Pershing, delivered 30 years ago this month at the General Convention of the National Alliance. (By clicking on the embedded player you can listen to the original recording.) This is one of my very favorite essays and speeches. — Kevin Alfred Strom

Pershing’s conclusion:

It’s going to be a long war. At times each of us will feel the clammy fingers of despair clutching at his throat and hear an insistent voice, clamoring, “Give up, it’s no use.” Help one another. When one weakens, another must be strong. In the midst of the wreckage of a dying civilization take your inspiration from your heritage and from each other. Nietzsche said that we should love war. I believe that — for only in struggle can we develop to our maximum potential.

Rejoice, then, for it has been given to us to be soldiers in the greatest war of them all. As Zarathustra said, “I do not exhort you to peace; I exhort you to victory. What good is long life, what warrior wants to be spared? I do not spare you; I love you from the very heart, my brothers in war.” Thank you.

Listen to JEB Stuart and Ezra Pound (via flawlesslogic.com).

Total run time: 43:39

It is not part of this special broadcast, but what called my attention to Pershing’s speech was Kevin Strom’s recent announcement at National Vanguard, American Dissident Voices: Renewal and Rebirth:

On this, the twenty-second anniversary of the first American Dissident Voices broadcast, a group of those who worked closely with William Pierce over many decades is gathering together to do something about it. Not only are we re-starting ADV, we are re-forming the National Alliance and building a headquarters and media center in a new redoubt in Dr. Pierce’s beloved Appalachian mountains.

The National Alliance’s long-time Membership Coordinator, former Green Beret Will Williams will manage the new Alliance; I will direct its media. Both we and others who will be assisting us behind the scenes worked directly with Dr. Pierce, some of us on a daily basis, for decades.

Listen to the broadcast (via nationalvanguard.org).

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5 Responses

  1. RJ

    I heard this ten years ago, and hearing it tonight was very welcomed.

    May this lecture give us inspiration, with a sense of duty to never give up hope.

    Liberty and Justice

  2. Nick Dean

    Yea, Stormfront Radio once put this out c.2005. Were there not other ‘Pershing’ talks?

  3. Nick Dean

    I’m assuming it’s the same guy using the Pershing handle put these out at Kelso’s site just last year:


  4. The voice on The Last Full Measure with Black Jack Pershing doesn’t match the voice in this NA speech. Also, I think the WNN voice is using a pseudonym (based on the nickname of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_J._Pershing) whereas I presume the NA member’s name is real. I can’t find anything more about the latter on the internet.

  5. An excellent lecture! Very inspiring. This is the first I’ve heard it but it won’t be the last, and I’ll be passing it on. Thank you for posting it!

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