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False Visions of Hitler in the West, Part II: The Underlying Foreign Policies of Germany

Meeting of Chamberlain and HitlerIn this program, August discusses one of the more contentious issues underlying the Good War myth: That what drove Adolf Hitler’s foreign policy was a desire to undermine the West, including the British Empire and the United States.  He goes deeper into textual and historical material in search of Hitler’s actual attitudes toward the British Empire, the pivotal nation that a policy of presumed “world domination” would have to target.  In fact, as was discussed on the first episode of this installment, Hitler sought an alliance with the British Empire, and neither a compliant and submissive ally nor an antagonist to his actual foreign policy aims, which were to unite the German people and secure their existence.  In the second half of the show, August concludes that we must emphasize the racial dimensions of the impact of our World War II mythology above all, even if more mainstream revisionist and alternative views about the war may fail to strongly accentuate the underlying and important racial point.

In the course of the program, August also brings up:

  • Discussion of Patrick J. Buchanan’s book, Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost its Empire and the West Lost the World as a mainstream link to an important point not just about national decline, but more broadly, about our racial decline.
  • Mention of Hitler’s Second Book, written after Mein Kampf but unpublished, which has formed the subject of some controversy and which focuses on Hitler’s fundamental foreign policies.
  • The extent to which Hitler’s desire for an alliance with the British Empire was realistic and reflected the scope of the geopolitics of his era, in light of Hitler’s own awareness of the extent of Jewish influence on British finance.

Email: worldswomb AT gmail DOT com

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10 Responses

  1. My apologies, listeners, for the delay. I had a problem saving the file, and then encountered an additional problem attempting to upload it. Anyway, I do hope you enjoy it and find it a worthwhile extension of the first show last week.

  2. Weichseler

    August, your insight, understanding and ability to express your thoughts about the racial and ideological background and consequences of the war is most commendable. The calamity of WWII was a major watershed event, that has left most surviving post-war Whites at the untender mercy of Jewry & their duped & unwitting servants…read Golem, who not only did the dirty work, but who, yet today, still glory in their self-destructive mistakes.
    I agree that Whites today must eventually come to grips with the truth about NS Germany, if they are ever to cut through their intellectual fog. The misconceptions about that historic period are legion, and that is why what you are doing is so important. Perhaps you might, at some point, put out a recommended reading list of books and literature that are vital to understanding what really happened.

  3. August, your insight, understanding and ability to express your thoughts about the racial and ideological background and consequences of the war is most commendable. The calamity of WWII was a major watershed event, that has left most surviving post-war Whites at the untender mercy of Jewry & their duped & unwitting servants…read Golem, who not only did the dirty work, but who, yet today, still glory in their self-destructive mistakes.

    Weichseler, I sincerely appreciate that, and I’m thoroughly happy that you’re enjoying my show.

    The myths that have been bred in regard to World War II are certainly weapons, not only against Germans but all people of European descent, and it is not always immediately evident how they are wielded. That’s quite apparent in the recent phenomenon of the Golden Dawn (though equally interesting that I’ve noted some Golden Dawn exploitation of World War II metaphors to attack Germany’s austerity measures; it simply demonstrates the accessibility of these myths and their universality).

    I agree that Whites today must eventually come to grips with the truth about NS Germany, if they are ever to cut through their intellectual fog. The misconceptions about that historic period are legion, and that is why what you are doing is so important. Perhaps you might, at some point, put out a recommended reading list of books and literature that are vital to understanding what really happened.

    katana, on my first show page, recommended something analogous, that I provide summaries of my shows. I may do that in tandem with your suggestion on my blog. I don’t wish to make a commitment I cannot keep, but I will keep it in mind. The one work that I reference in this program by conservative commentator Patrick J. Buchanan, named Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost its Empire and the West Lost the World, is certainly a very accessible tome. While Buchanan does not go as far as we would at The White Network in drawing out the racial dimensions of that historic tragedy, the racial conclusion is freely invited and is obvious (in my show I also quoted, toward the end, a couple of remarks by Buchanan to that effect, which demonstrate at least his awareness of racial concerns, even though his principal ones are as a paleoconservative). Thanks for that suggestion, Weichseler.

  4. I wish to extend my appreciation to Antix, an online contact of mine that once gifted me with my copy of The Second Book and my print copy of Table Talk.

  5. Weichseler

    Thanks, August, for the thoughtful comments. Here is a dated link to a lot of revisionist source material: http://www.cwporter.com/recommendedreading.htm

    I especially like Peter Nicholl’s book Britain’s Blunder, which I believe was enlarged and expanded in the later German edition. A.J.P. Taylor’s book The Origins of the Second World War is eye opening, as are the older books of Hoggan, Tansill, Sanborn and Beard. Russell Grenfell’s book Unconditional Hatred is also very revealing, as are the works of Veale (War Crimes Discreetly Veiled). The many key German language works, which have yet to be translated, obviously contain a wealth of vital information. The works of Franz-Willig, Nolywaika, Nawratil, Post and Aigner (Der Geplante Krieg) are prime examples.

    I think that the key incriminating documentation of Judeo-Anglo complicity in instigating the war is still locked-up in the British Archives, and whose release date has again been “postponed” for another decade or two. Nevertheless, I think that there is now enough evidence to show that after Oct., 1938 the plan by Jewry and their plutocratic cronies to oppose throttle and destroy NS Germany was being acted upon, rather openly and aggressively. The Jews and their dupes feighned “moral outrage” over Hitler’s crisis induced occupation of Bohemia & Moravia, and made a cause celebre over the action. This caused the British warhawk crowd’s political interference in the strained German-Polish diplomatic relations, that led directly to the British “guarantee”. This premeditated British diplomatic provocation led to the incitement of Poland’s ruling chauvenistic factions, who saw in war against Germany, an opportunity to steal and depopulate Eastern Germany. The persecution of the ethnic Germans in Poland (Posen/W.Prussia) became intolerable by the late summer of 1939.

    Into this diplomatic and political breach stepped Stalin, who did his part in drawing Hitler across the artificial Anglo set Polish trip wire. Mr. Roosevelt and his Jewish “advisors” were, at the same time, encouraging, aiding and abetting this Anglo war frenzy. Needless to say, British ‘leadership’ conviently “forgot” to declare war upon Stalin too, for his very real aggression against Poland in Sept. of 1939, which clearly shows that their intention was in instigating war against Hitler, and Hitler only. This is why Hoggan entitled his book, The Forced War, as it most certainly was. NS Germany was essentially entrapped by their wiley enemies, and then blamed for the intentional debacle!

  6. Weichseler,

    That’s a wonderful summary of some aspects of the history that I should have mentioned in more depth in this program.

    In my opinion, I fervently believe that Prime Minister Chamberlain could have, and as we will agree very well should have, resisted handing Poland the war guarantee. It would have caused a storm of protests in the media and in the pro-war elements in government but it would have been within the reach of his position to do so. I wish that I had made this point explicit in the second half of my program. In any event, it would have compelled Poland to come to terms with the reality of German strength and likely compelled them to negotiate, and more importantly, it would have left the Soviet Union in the vulnerable position that it deserved to be in, and secured the interests of the people of Western Europe by ensuring no conflict with Germany.

    On my blog and I believe in my first program, I point out Chamberlain’s remark, recounted in The Forrestal Diaries, where he explicitly mentions the pressure that world Jewry had brought to bear on Britain. Buchanan argues that Chamberlain acted from a sense of humiliation at being betrayed by Hitler’s actions in Czecho-Slovakia in early in 1939, but I believe in the absence of Jewish and American pressure to declare war Chamberlain’s presumed humiliation would not have been so formative. It is likely he would simply have withheld the war guarantee to Poland. But though Buchanan is apt in many of his observations, he is not wont to bring in decisive areas of Jewish influence on the course of our history as a race.

    It’s the same with the Holocaust narrative that I have no doubt that he remains skeptical over but nonetheless includes in his historical arguments.

  7. Weichseler

    Thanks again, August. I have had many years to read about, and objectively asses this historical subject, hence my reasoned thesis, which comes very close to yours. I doubt that PM Chamberlain had the personal or political will to stand down the belligerent elements of his cabinet, or the howling, Jewish orchestrated media. As you note, Forrestal attested to that.

    I have read most of Buchanan’s books, including his book on Hitler & WWII, which is an updated re-statement of earlier revisionist material. I was surprised that he wrote a book like that, considering the firestorm of Jewish invective that it might generate. Basically, it got the ‘silent treatment’ from the Kosher establishment, but it was time for the revisionist point of view to be aired again, and I am glad for that. Yes, Buchanan is timid about some subjects, and silent about others. Considering the death grip that Jewry has on the Anglo mindset, his books will hopefully help enlighten and have some positive effect on the more prescient elements among the somnolent, dazed, White population. I hope, as well, that your program and this discussion board will help do the same, as it is an essential part of the intellectual detoxification process.

    As an aside, I am always amazed at how foolish the leadership of Poland was at that time. Foreign minister Beck, having travelled the length & breadth of Germany and meeting its leadership, must have been one very short-sighted, deluded individual. Hoggan, pretty well confirmed that. If only they had taken the advice of their urbane and very sagacious ambassador to the U.S., Count Jerzy Potocki, and IF ONLY he had been the key decision maker in Warsaw at that time!

  8. Chris

    Anyone with a shred of common sense should be able to agree with the following quote:

    “Those who are physically and mentally unhealthy and unfit must not perpetuate their sufferings in the bodies of their children. Through educational means the State must teach individuals that illness is not a disgrace but a misfortune for which people are to be pitied, yet at the same time that it is a crime and a disgrace to make this affliction the worse by passing it on to innocent creatures out of a merely egotistic yearning.
    And the State must also teach that it is the manifestation of a really noble nature and that it is a humanitarian act worthy of all admiration if an innocent sufferer from hereditary disease refrains from having a child of his own but bestows his love and affection on some unknown child whose state of health is a guarantee that it will become a robust member of a powerful community.”
    –Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf (1925)

  9. Carl

    Regarding hereditary problems, just have the caution to recognize that gene expression is not an absolute. Not only is genotype separate from phenotype, but it may be possible to improve genetic outcomes (within a range, of course) over time, which is called epigenetics. Also recall that the age of the parents is another somewhat random factor. Perhaps a reward earlier in life for having children would be a help. On the whole, White people having children is such a boon that except for very obvious problems, we ought not to put an impediment.

  10. Alexander from Flanders

    Very good show. It’s short but good, and very interesting, just as a history lesson should be.

    I also like the music you play. The second song blew me away. Can I ask who that was?

    Keep up the good work!

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