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False Visions of Hitler in the West, Part I: Through the Gulf War to the Golden Dawn

Adolf Hitler with ChildrenSept. 19, 2012

In this first show of an Hour by the Window, August discusses some propaganda about World War II, about Adolf Hitler himself and the causes and conduct of the war, and their specific role in refashioning domestic policy, immigration policy, as well as foreign policy in significant ways not conducive to the benefit of European Americans.  He spends the first half discussing some of these domestic and foreign policy changes, maintaining that America’s vision of itself and the propaganda of Jews were decisive factors in those changes.  In the second half, August goes back to the personage of Adolf Hitler himself, addressing significant points about his ultimate foreign policy goals and intentions, and the causes of World War II.  Ultimately, he maintains that European Americans will never be able to escape a cycle of decline unless they come to terms with the past… a past that has been mythologized to their detriment.

In the course of the show, August also brings up other important issues:

  • The mythologizing of Jewish suffering in World War II into the story of the Holocaust.
  • Hitler’s desire for an alliance with the British Empire, stretching back to Mein Kampf, with reference to the 1937 Ribbentrop-Churchill meeting.
  • Comparisons between Hitler and heads of state in follow-ups to conflicts, in order to justify such conflicts in the minds of European Americans.
  • Media attacks on the Golden Dawn as an example of how nationalist and patriotic movements are consistently attacked in the Jewish media.

Email: worldswomb AT gmail DOT com

Above Image: Adolf Hitler with German children.

Break Music: “Progeny” from the Gladiator soundtrack, followed by a clip from Kenneth Branagh’s Hamlet, the gravedigger’s scene.

References: Professor Kevin MacDonald’s essay “The Jewish Role in Shaping American Immigration Policy 1881-1965“, John Toland’s Adolf Hitler, Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, and  Patrick J. Buchanan’s Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost its Empire and the West Lost the World.

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19 Comments  comments 

19 Responses

  1. katana

    Congratulations August on your first podcast here!

    It was densely packed with many observations that require more than one listening to get the most out of it. You are obviously very knowledgeable on the topics mentioned.

    Some questions for you, or anyone else that wants to comment.

    * How strong is the evidence that Hitler allowed the British to escape from Dunkirk? My brief research suggests that it is fairly strong.

    * How sound was the Nazi economic ‘miracle’? I’ve read that it wasn’t sustainable. What do you think of claims that the Nazis economic policies and the break from jewish bankers was a predominate cause of the subsequent war? This is obviously a large and (perhaps) complex topic, but your general thoughts on it will be helpful.

    BTW, as you were reading your material would you mind posting the text here, or at your site?

    Well, a great start and I look forward to your future podcasts. Thank you for your effort.

    Oh, one last thing. That color photo of Hitler with the young girl is wonderful!

  2. Brit in Norway

    Good information, a solid refutation of Jewish mind control vis a vis their war mythology. I personally liked very much your affirmation that nations are meaningless unless based on a racial basis ( sorry about my paraphrasing.) You also criticized the US constitution in the sense that it is not a basis to define what a nation is, which Is easy for me as a European to agree with, but seems to be a problem for many in the US ?

  3. kilroy

    This was a truly fascinating show, very much appreciated. I liked the soft spoken and measured tone, and your attention to the primary role of myth in politics. I don’t think many today have the education to understand this dominant role of myth. That is of course a great part of the problem. Like the other commenter I plan to listen to this more than once.
    Looking forward to the next broadcast.

  4. Thanks, katana. I did indeed pack a lot of material into the talk. I could easily have broken this into two or three different talks.

    The evidence that Hitler allowed the British forces to escape from Dunkirk appears to me solid. It is chronicled in numerous secondary sources, including John Toland’s biography, which is, if not sympathetic, at least an effort to honestly chronicle Hitler’s life and the second World War. William Shirer chronicles it in his book, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. I mention Shirer because he was no friend of Hitler, and yet, like Toland, this fact appeared to him unambiguous. He quotes Hitler at length, from a meeting with his generals. General Guenther Blumentritt recounted to the British writer, Liddell Hart that:

    “[Hitler] then astonished us by speaking with admiration of the British Empire, of the necessity for its existence, and of the civilization that Britain brought into the world . . . He said that all he wanted from Britain was that she should acknowledge Germany’s position on the continent. The return of Germany’s colonies would be desirable but not essential . . . He concluded by saying that his aim was to make peace with Britain on a basis that she would regard as compatible with her honor to accept.”

    Shirer notes that “Hitler was to express often during the next few weeks” this foreign policy orientation, both to his ally, Mussolini, and to the public. Shirer notes that “Ciano was astonished a month later to find the Nazi dictator, then at the zenith of his success, harping about the importance of maintaining the British Empire as “a factor in world equilibrium,” and on July 13 Halder, in his diary, described the Fuehrer as sorely puzzled over Britain’s failure to accept peace. To bring England to her knees by force, he told his generals that day, “would not benefit Germany . . . only Japan, the United States and others.”

    Ironically, had the British forces been captured, it is probable that the British government would have had to sue for peace.

    On your second question, I think there is evidence that the British government was motivated in part by economic considerations. By 1936, Hitler’s economic policies had resulted in, among other things, a drastic reduction in unemployment. A geopolitical shift had occurred in the interest of Germany, and France’s position after that year, due to the reoccupation of the Rhineland, was primarily a defensive one. Churchill remarked to U.S. General Robert E. Wood that “Germany is becoming too strong. We must smash her.” This remark was made two years before the events in Czecho-Slovakia unfolded and before Germany undertook any action that could be described as “aggressive”.

    After the war, Churchill remarked to Lord Boothby that “Germany’s unforgivable crime before the second World War was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the world’s trading system and to create her own exchange mechanism which would deny world finance its opportunity to profit.” This is documented in Propaganda in the Next War, by Sydney Rogerson.

    I will have to think about whether or not I can condense these notes into something that is more coherent to be placed online. It comprises about five or six pages worth of material.

    I appreciate your feedback and your compliments, katana. I plan to restructure some aspects of the show. There are some technical details I need to contend with, as well. This was a learning experience for me, and a difficult one, but it is encouraging to know that listeners such as yourself enjoyed my first effort and that I have the continued support of Carolyn and other people close to me.

  5. Thanks kilroy and Brit in Norway. I’m glad you both enjoyed the show and I hope you will keep listening.

  6. katana

    Thank you August for your detailed reply. I’ll check out your references re my questions.

    As far as posting your notes, I think just a series of points would do. No need to spend time making it duplicate your podcast or turn it into an essay. Having a bit more here in writing will stimulate more discussion, since it’s hard to recall all the issues raised in the podcast. Something to jog our memory, that’s all. In fact I think where practical all the podcasts here could benefit from doing so.

    I’ve started reading and listening to Mein Kampf and I have to say I’m impressed with Hitler’s soul-searching and honesty that is expressed within it. His growing realization of the evil intent of the jews is stunning.

    Once you start digging into this stuff and opening your eyes it’s an upside world, that’s for sure. The jews and their collaborators have truly brainwashed so many of us, I among them until recently.

    So, even though ‘the White network’ is just a small outpost of light surrounded by dark propaganda, it’s a great start, so I encourage you. Thanks again!

  7. DJF

    Great program, a great addition to the White Network.

    Not being against the British Empire was probably one of Hitler’s biggest mistakes. Without even a plan to knock Britain out of the war, Germany got stuck in a two front war with three enemies, each of which had more manpower and economic resources then Germany

    He failed to realize that those who controlled Britain and the Empire were not British Nationalist nor even British Imperialists but instead were the financiers, bankers, “City of London” and the Jews who were willing to sacrifice both Britain and the Empire to destroy the threat to their financial and political power. They had long left Nationalism behind and were leaving Imperialism to move onto Globalism and the “New World Order”.

    Hitler had had contact with both British Nationalists and Imperialists and probably got his good impressions of the British Empire from them but those individuals were not the ones making the decisions. Both the financers and the Jews hated Germany and Hitler so no accommodation was ever going to happen without a change in who ruled Britain.

    Here is a Youtube video of Oswald Mosley talking about who ran Britain and their polices which we now know as globalism


    Here is another example of the lies told about Germany wanting to dominate the world. It was Roosevelt’s speech on October 27 1941 where he claimed to have a “secret map” showing that Hitler was going to take over South and Central America. Even though he said he had it in his possession nobody has ever seen it. Even though such a map would be prime evidence against Germany

    “””””””For example, I have in my possession a secret map made in Germany by Hitler’s government — by the planners of the new world order. It is a map of South America and a part of Central America, as Hitler proposes to reorganize it. Today in this area there are 14 separate countries. The geographical experts of Berlin, however, have ruthlessly obliterated all existing boundary lines; and have divided South America into five vassal states, bringing the whole continent under their domination. And they have also so arranged it that the territory of one of these new puppet states includes the Republic of Panama and our great life line – the Panama Canal.””””’

  8. Hawke

    Just downloaded and listened. I thought it was a really good first show. I’ll be listening next week.

  9. Mountain Troll

    August – I just finished listening to your podcast. Excellent job with content and presentation. Wonderful summary of events…this makes the short list of podcasts I would pass on to those interested in learning the truth about history.
    I truly look forward to your next installment. Good luck!

  10. Weichseler

    A very good overview of the subject, August, and thanks for putting together all this historically important information. Do you feel, as I do, that there is enough documentation to unequivocally prove that the war against Hitler’s Germany was pre-programmed, with the ultimate aim of destroying NS Germany? That in fact, international Jewry and their foolish minions forced the war, and succeeded in blaming (and demonizing) Hitler for the disaster?

    Regarding Hitler and the British, I feel that his personal Anglophilia and reluctance to engage them forcefully, once it was clear that their leadership was hell-bent on following their pugnacious and malicious tomfoolery against him, and that he should have seen that, and acted decisively against them. In other words, he erred in not moving further West, before he had to deal with the looming Bolshevik menace to the East. Harry Elmer Barnes stated as much in one of his revisionist booklets, as did a learned British friend of mine who personally knew Arnold Leese, and who was in England in 1940.

    To my mind, although there is a fair amount of good literature that comes close, a thorough revisionist history of the true nature of the programmed gang rape and crucifixion of Hitler’s Germany has yet to be written.

  11. Carl

    Here is a good link I haven’t seen referenced often enough, which could help with history.


  12. katana,

    You are welcome. I could envision such points as a series of notes posted on my blog, so I’ll keep that in mind.

    I was thoroughly moved with my first reading of Mein Kampf, feeling that Hitler’s ability to express himself in often very poetic form was something entirely missed in my early education. Far too often we focus on the military goals of the man and neglect that none of his foreign policies were devised for aggression in and of itself, but for the practical racial gains of a unique people.

    I agree with you. And one does not have to be a National-Socialist to see clearly many of the sane and valid aspects of that worldview, in spite of what has been peddled to us in film.

    Thanks for that encouragement, katana. I’m privileged to be here, and in spite of some technical issues I’m happy the show is moving along.

  13. DJF,

    You raise a very good point, and one that I tried to draw out in the second installment. There were already conservative British thinkers who did not even agree with the extension of English interests in the form of Empire, but the possession of its Empire was not necessarily a detrimental one in racial terms. “Out of her womb,” Patrick J. Buchanan says, “came America, Ireland, New Zealand and Australia,” and so it facilitated an historically significant role in the extension of our race. The use of that Empire to suppress German foreign policies, which if they were directed against the interests of any nations were directed against the Soviet Union, was certainly something Hitler desired to avoid, just as he desired the continuity of the British Empire for its own sake. I am thinking of a passage in Mein Kampf where Hitler makes reference to the “Germanic mother of life”:

    “The right to possess soil can become a duty if without extension of its soil a great nation seems doomed to destruction. And most especially when not some little negro nation or other is involved, but the Germanic mother of life, which has given the present-day world its cultural picture.”

    That’s from his chapter, Eastern Orientation or Eastern Policy, and it likely subsumes the British Empire as much as Germany. Both the English and the Germans are a Germanic people, and the British Empire that Hitler so admired had given birth to many new nations, including America, which at the time of World War II, was peopled with people of principally, broadly, Germanic descent.

    Certainly, Hitler understood that Jewish influence on the British Empire and the West in general could be decisive, something I talk about in reference to Mein Kampf in my second show. I believe that what Hitler sought was to demonstrate to British policymakers that Germany had no claim on their Empire or their interests, and to so orient German foreign policy that if anywhere it would directed explicitly against a shared, potential enemy. I believe that Chamberlain’s impulse to “appease” Germany’s aims was expressive of a larger share of British thinkers than is often given credit for, but where undermined by intense pressure from, as Chamberlain put it, “America and world Jews,” and also immense Jewish influence in the Western press, something that I point out Hitler was painfully aware of very early on.

    I appreciated your feedback. They were a principal cause for me to reflect on much of what formed the basis of the second half of my second show.

  14. Mountain Troll,

    Thanks for that. I hope you enjoyed the second podcast that was released tonight, albeit later than scheduled.

  15. Weichseler,

    I think that there was certainly a long-standing animus in the world Jewish community against Germany that could to some reasonable extent approximate a premeditated design on Germany. Anti-Jewish sentiment had long been stronger in Germany than other European nations, and with the emergence of a government in Germany whose domestic policies were aimed at protecting its people from German influence, the desire to push Germany into a vulnerable position was evident from the outset. Even before Hitler enacted a single shred of anti-Semitic legislation, the world Jewish community embarked on what amounted to economic and psychological warfare against Germany, with an eventual, conventional war resulting in Germany’s defeat being a not undesirable aim on the part of world Jewry.

    It is easy, post facto, to blame Hitler for World War II, and the racial deterioration it has fomented, but we have to remember that Hitler did not declare war on Britain and France and three times sought peace with a British Empire he had actually desired an alliance with. The expansion of a localized conflict between Germany and Poland into a continental and global one, one that could potentially undermine Europe and for the benefit of inferior peoples, including Jews, was certainly not desired by Hitler.

    I agree with you that a more assertive stance would have been preferable in certain situations. For example, rather than permitting the British forces to flee Dunkirk, they might have been routed and if that had occurred it very likely would have resulted in a peace settlement between Britain and Germany. This might justifiably have been backed up with the threat of long-term imprisonment of British troops, as an incentive. This was the bulk of the British land army, after all. What compelled Hitler to allow them to escape was the same motivation that could have compelled him to capture them: To force the British, for their sake and for that of Europe as a whole, to press for peace.

  16. Carl,

    That is a good resource. It contains a reference I believe I made mention of, or should have if I didn’t, in this show: What the World Rejected: Hitler’s Peace Offers, 1933-39. I owe to a close contact, William, my first exposure to that interesting article. It is also posted in full at National-Socialist Worldview, and goes to the very heart of the sorts of claims that I am making in this show and my second one.

  17. Hawke,

    I’m glad to hear that. Hope you get something out of my second show, which extended many of the important themes and issues of this program, deepening the critical one of Hitler’s intentions toward the British Empire.

  18. JBW

    I just wanted to thank you, August, for you scholarship and commitment to this project and let you know how much it is appreciated.
    As an ex-infantry man who made some very strong friendships in West Germany… I know for certain FACT (as my psychology allows me to trust my instincts now that I have first hand knowledge from some surviving SS Men and the son of a Prussian Officer serving the Fatherland in Poland as well as in Africa under Rommel…let’s just say, I trust my instincts), as I see many other are doing as it relates to the heart of Europe and the Myth of German Guilt….quite the opposite of the Reality that existed for them spiritually and ethically… convinced as they were with Hitler that they could save Europe by honest work in the political arena, and in the German Mind of High Culture, as von Clauswitz stated in Vom Kreg, naturally pursuing the war option as the natural way to honorable solve the problem, (not thinking that the Western Democratic influences, traditionally fellow Christians societies, would compromise those values in times of honorable politics or real conflict. Being honorable, I believe, they as a body politic could not, and would not fully comprehend the power of the historical demon (******BEAST)that insinuates(ed) in the soul of those that would compromise their own beings with the complex of the money power.

    I agree that there is not currently a revisionist work that completely lays out through German eyes as well as the anti-European elements that conspired against these heroic peoples, in one work completely….but the ground is being laid through use of the internet, and it is a race against time to wake up the sleeping before the biblical disaster strikes us all again, and of course, suffer again.

    I, as an identifying Christian, think of the verse in Revelation (paraphrasing) “and the serpent will bruise the woman’s foot” as what was visited one our German Bothers and Sisters by the Mamonists during WWII.

    Thanks to you August, and to Greg Johnson at Counter-Currents for this video that clarifies the diplomatic and military maneuvering through German Eys:



    Cheers and best wishes

  19. JBW,

    Thanks for your comments. That’s a very interesting video. I’m going to finish watching it and I may put it on my blog.

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