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Jewish Power and America’s Money Famine – Episode 66


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  1. Neal Joitke

    Hadding you keep talking about capitalist over production. Looking at the 1920-21 time period. Now look at the farmers where is the CAPITALIST in that situation Not the Farmers. Today the Commodities market competes with the stock market. The Stock market extracts wealth of the productive by putting BUSINESSES IN SPECULATION. They Compete with the COMMODITIES Market in Chicago to EXTRACT WEALTH by putting real tangibles into speculation. NOT BUSINESES Let me get real clear the Stock market is hardly real tangible wealth using businesses. But the commodities market is all real wealth. The capitalism in the farms is the farmers first illegitimate costumer that puts his product into speculation.
    Also most of the capital in a capitalist society comes from people paying interest on loans.
    Please clarify this capitalist over production.
    But when you do IDENTIFY the Capitalist the farmers of old are good example of not being a capitalist but being exploited by the capitalist.

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