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Jewish “Kol Nidre” and “Eli, Eli” Explained – Episode 76


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2 Responses

  1. Bobby

    Yes please, a list would be beneficial to print up and pass around town. How about all their holidays, what the joos say they are meant for and what the true meaning they are for the goyim. A lot of is based on their crimes and deviant behavior.

  2. This just shows how Christian kindness, understanding, forgivess and hope for repentance lets us down. We politely raise the issue and hope that by explaining it the Jews/criminals/invaders or other deviants will reform. Whites just dont like violence and retreat from it whenever possible, we fail to understand that in certain cases sheer, total and brutal blitzkrieg violence is the correct course. That’s why whites wont get up and prepare to fight the JWO when the financial collapse and civil war arrives. You could count on two fingers the number of white nationalists talking about and advocating a future violent revolution of seize back our lands. I am one of those two.
    Peter Sellers was just one of the many Jews who did an enormous amount to damage to and undermined the confidence of the British people in his early work unknown to the Americans. This is how he mocks Balham in london by portraying the British culture as stupid and the people as idiots:
    Balham is now predominatly black thanks to Jewish MPs.

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