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Jews Versus Whites

How do we differ? Let us count the ways.

Jared Taylor commits racial treason on Phil Donahue !:

Donahue: “How are you with the jews? Are the jews OK?”

Taylor: “The jews? The jews are fine by me.”

Donahue: “And so jews can live in your neighborhood and go to your cocktail party with all those good looking people?”

Taylor: “Look white to me.”

Whatever Taylor thinks about the jews, his answer plays into widespread misperceptions of both jews and race. Saying you’re OK with the jews because they look “white” is saying that race is just skin color, literally skin deep, something trivial.

The differences run far deeper.

The jewish narrative distinguishes jews from Whites – painting jews as oppressed and Whites as their oppressors.

If jews saw jewishness as part of, or even on par with Whiteness, then they’d argue that both, or neither, should be capitalized. Instead they get angry and make ridiculous arguments in favor of double standards – the capitalization of words being just one seemingly trivial example.

The argument is often made that jews are just another type of White, but with a different religion. But unlike other European religions, any and all of which are freely and mercilessly criticized, criticism of judaism is regarded as “discrimination”, “hate”, “intolerance”.

Another argument that is often made is that jews are just another type of White, but with a different ethnicity, like the French or Hungarians. Except that jews, wherever they live, unite and lobby as a block, across borders. And those who live in France or Hungary demand to be treated as good or even better than any mere Frenchman or Hungarian.

Jewish DNA deserves a discussion of its own. Suffice it here to note that jews are genetically closer to Europeans than Africans, but are still clearly distinct. Even partial Ashkenazi ancestry can be discerned by DNA analysis.

The focus here will be on differences in thinking – the clearest being in group identity.

The recent Pew poll confirmed that jews generally identify positively as jews. They are hyper-aware and hyper-defensive about their jewishness and the interests of jews as a group. They view Whites not only as distinct from jews, but as a threat – either passively, by assimilation and intermarriage, or actively, via genocide.

This is in strong constrast with Whites, who generally don’t identify positively as White (or even “white”), are relatively unconcerned or defensive about their Whiteness, and have in large part accepted the jewish narrative which paints anyone with a strong, positive sense of White racial identity as morally or mentally defective. For the most part Whites view jews as “white”, socializing and intermarrying with them even when mixing with other races was not considered acceptable.

Jews are amongst the thought-leaders of anti-“racism”/anti-Whitism. For example, Susan Sontag (“the White race is the cancer of history”), Noel Ignatiev (“the key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the White race”), and Tim Wise (“white like me”, who literally makes his living inciting hatred of Whites).

Differences in thinking and identity are also visible in politics and voting patterns.

Milton Himmelfarb “coined the aphorism on the Jewish community’s political persuasions: ‘Jews earn like Episcopalians, and vote like Puerto Ricans.'”

Mik Moore: Reflections on the Jewish Vote, 2012, Mik Moore, 9 Nov 2012:

2012: 70% for Obama, 30% for Romney

2008: 74-78% for Obama, 22-26% for McCain

President Obama and the white vote? No problem., Chris Cillizza and Jon Cohen, 8 Nov 2012:

2012: 39% for Obama, 61% for Romney

2008: 43% for Obama, 57% for McCain

In the end, President Obama’s “problem” with the white vote wound up being less than advertised — and certainly less problematic to his political prospects than Mitt Romney’s 44-point loss among Hispanic voters.

This chart, again from our friends at the Post polling unit, tells that story better than we can write it.

Just one in every ten Republican voters were non-white. That is the story of the 2012 election.

The upshot is that the jewish vote is consistently, markedly distinct from the White vote.

It is also consistently jewish pundits who label Whiteness a “problem” – and not only when it comes to voting. I discussed many examples of this in Anti-White Problems.

Two recent examples follow.

Twitter, Women and Power,
by Nicholas Kristof, NYTimes.com, 23 Oct 2013:

Twitter is on schedule to go public as a company next month, a sparkling symbol of innovation, technology — and stale, old thinking reflected in a board of seven white men.

I also realize that I live in a glass house, because my world of punditry is a cacophony of mostly white male voices. Gender imbalance isn’t just Twitter’s problem, but a global challenge across many sectors.

Of course it is actually a cacophony of mostly jewish voices. Even the ones that aren’t jews parrot jewish opinions on race, immigration, nationalism, and with special deference to Israel and jews. The value to jews of posing as “white” is that in cases like this the attention and blame can be fobbed off onto Whites.

Apple, Twitter and Tech’s Middle-Aged White Guy Problem, Daily Ticker, Yahoo Finance:

Anyone who watched the Apple (AAPL) keynote this week (if you’re me) couldn’t help but notice that it was a parade of middle-aged white guys who came on stage to reveal the company’s latest and greatest.

And Twitter, ahead of it’s planned IPO next month, has come under fire for the makeup of its board of directors: all white men. The executive team isn’t much better (all men except for the general counsel).

The “white man” brought in to comment in this case doesn’t defend Whites or White men whatsoever. Instead he says things are changing, but “it needs to change faster”. The “white man” is, of course, a jew whose attitude toward jews is entirely different. Aaron Pressman from Yahoo! News tweeted: Feel exactly the same, tears to my eyes etc @winerip I’m Jewish, and when I was growing up…never buy a Ford or VW… http://t.co/DLLRLsbONl

The podcast will be broadcast and available for download on Tuesday at 9PM ET.

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10 Comments  comments 

10 Responses

  1. It’s not only jews that don’t belong in White countries, and jews absolutely should never govern White societies, neither should Asians or Negroes.

    White folk need to once again embrace Nationalism, and strive to found our own Homogeneous societies. How we accomplish this is the question we must ponder. Antarctica I believe could be our only refuge.

  2. Steven

    It’s not only jews that don’t belong in White countries, and jews absolutely should never govern White societies, neither should Asians or Negroes.

    I would concurr with the above statement and add that homosexuals, feminists ,anti white ,anti and non christian heretics and christian zionist heretics should also be barred from society and government. All these evil doers have got to go! Either on their feet or feet first!

  3. Taylor’s answer could have been simply: “We want to live amongst our own kind”. Nice and simple. To say you would willingly mix with other than your own kind, is race treason for sure. One does not have to rave against all others: just simply stress we want to be with our own kind period. And fight for this right !!

  4. Weichseler

    Statistics about the “Jewish vote” certainly reflect the political attitudes of the average Jew, but other than New Yawk and a few other urban areas, their 2 percent plus national “vote” is really meaningless. It’s obviously their overwhelming media, monetary, and societal influence that really matters. And, this dominating influence is, needless to say, very subversive and malevolent.

  5. Fred Wilson

    Re: Jewish Crypsis – Jewdar – IFF
    Does anyone know what the jewish high sign(s) is ?

  6. Fred Wilson

    Milton Himmelfarb “coined the aphorism on the Jewish community’s political persuasions: ‘Jews earn like Episcopalians, and vote like Puerto Ricans.’”
    jews earn more than Episcopalians. jews are the highest ‘earning’ ethno-religious group in America. They vote like communists.

  7. katana

    I took up Tan’s suggestion, of not capitalizing the word ‘jew’, while capitalizing ‘White’, a few years ago when I first read him explaining why he did so. It’s a ‘big small thing’ in a way, but is of good value by drawing readers’ attention to the elephant in the room and your negative opinion of it. It felt awkward at first, but the more I learnt about jewish world scale criminality the more the old way became repellent.

    It’s a symbolic gesture that we should all get into the habit of using.

  8. Taylor “no problem” with jews as neighbours, is a let down for those of us starving for proper White leadership,absolutely with and for Our Own Kind. With the discussion going on into jews, etc., above comments continuation. Am in a jam right now. Want to alert all that yet another “leader” down the tubes and I can’t find anywhere to post it immediately, so hope this side tangent, yet a bit on topic. We just don’t have clean honest leadership in the White Right. Information truthful blogs plenty of. The urgency of this post ? Today on “Might is Right” terrible ( yea now really terrible ) Tom M., actually verbally “sees nothing wrong with homos ” !! Listen for yourself. Good thing he a lone wolf !!

  9. John Beattie
    October 31, 2013 at 7:03 pm
    The urgency of this post ? Today on “Might is Right” terrible ( yea now really terrible ) Tom M., actually verbally “sees nothing wrong with homos ” !! Listen for yourself. Good thing he a lone wolf !!
    That’s not what Tom is saying.Do you expect Tom to attack homosexuals who walk into some restaurant he’s dining at or when doing business somewhere? Getting locked up in jail for attacking gays,Yeah real smart, that’s gonna save the White race Beattie! Your gonna have to think bigger than that.

    As for Taylor’s “no problem” with jews answer, it was a cop-out.I’ve had enough of nice. I want the throat. He should have started spouting nasty quotes from the Talmud and shamed Donahue for supporting a religion that says its O.K. to have sex with three year old children.Thrown jewish filth in his face, over and over again til Donahue lost it. As most people are unaware,some might have been shocked enough to Google it.

    14/88 Hail Wotan

  10. Fred Wilson

    Since Terrible Tommy stabbed David Duke in the back on election eve, everything he says is suspect and not to be trusted.
    ‘Lone Wolf’, HA! What a dippy concept. Without unity we have nothing !

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