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More on the asymmetry of “anti-semitism”, the jews and violent crime, Nathan Swartz as a direct precedent for Leo Frank, and Jim Conley.
There is no equivalence between Whites and jews because there is no equivalence between hosts and parasites. Thus trying to hold a jew like Frank accountable for a crime is “anti-semitism”. And recognizing that jews are coming to a jew’s defense because they are jews is also “anti-semitism”. “Anti-semitism”, properly understood, is anti-parasitism.
Non-jews sometimes assume that jews must be paranoid to think that everyone is out to get them. Psychological projection gets closer to the truth. The jews imagine everyone around them has the kind of tribal/ethnic/racial loyalty they do and are as furtive about it as they are. Their complaints about “anti-semitism”, as if it is some kind of cohesive anti-jewish sentiment, even when it obviously isn’t, are a reflection of their own solidarity.
The asymmetry is especially obvious when jews complain about “anti-semitism” in people who obviously don’t hate, oppose, or even seem to recognize the jews for what they are. Like the relatively racially aware Southern Whites who, at least until the spectacle the jews made of themselves during the Frank trial, respected and welcomeed the jews and regarded them as “white”. Yet even before the Frank trial the jews saw themselves as separate and distinct.
More on Scott Aaron’s Why I Write and comments quoted in 100 Reasons Leo Frank Is Guilty.
How to reconcile the jewish line on Frank:
Wrongly accused, Falsely convicted, Wantonly murdered.
with Aaron’s description of how White Southerners viewed jews:
If anything, they were seen as an unusually industrious, intelligent, and law-abiding segment of society, even if they were a bit peculiar in their religious views.
The way to reconcile it is to recognize that Whites made a terrible mistake, they thought this supposedly industrious, intelligent, law-abiding segment of their “white” society was only peculiar because of religious views. They didn’t realize that those “religious views” boiled down to a separate identity, hostile to Whites, which viewed Whites as a host, as the Other. Whites made the mistake of trusting jews, of thinking jews saw themselves as part of White society.
Jews, furthermore, were not known for violent acts or crimes, nor feared as violators of white women.
Indeed, jews aren’t known for violent crimes commited on a whim, impulsively, and especially not in contrast with blacks. Jews are however known for intelligent, meticulous planning – the kind required for political violence and premeditated crime, especially in the context of a larger gain, to advance group interests.
The jewish crime syndicate known as Murder, Inc. provides a stark example of the jewish capacity for violence moderated by a cold, calculating sensitivity to group interests:
Probably their most well known victim was Dutch Schultz, who had openly defied the syndicate. In October 1935, Schultz insisted on putting a hit on Dewey, who was leading an all-out effort to put the mob out of business. The syndicate board overruled Schultz. They feared – with good reason – that Dewey’s murder would incite public outrage and result in an even greater campaign to shut down the rackets. Schultz vowed that he would ignore the board’s decision and kill Dewey himself.
The board decided they needed to act immediately to kill Schultz before he killed Dewey. Therefore in an ironic twist Buchalter actually saved Dewey’s life, which allowed Dewey to continue his efforts to bring down Buchalter. This led Shapiro to suggest years later that Schultz should have been allowed to kill Dewey, although at the time he supported the syndicate’s decision to overrule Schultz.
Another example comes from Russia. From STALIN’S WILLING EXECUTIONERS – JEWS AS A HOSTILE ELITE IN THE USSR, Kevin MacDonald’s review of Yuri Slezkine’s book The Jewish Century:
The Gulag was headed by ethnic Jews from its beginning in 1930 until the end of 1938, a period that encompasses the worst excesses of the Great Terror. They were, in Slezkine’s words, “Stalin’s willing executioners” (p. 103).
America’s Jewish Enigma: Louis Marshall – Episode 81 covers The International Jew, Chapter 76, from The Dearborn Independent issue of 26 November 1921:
Louis Marshall has appeared in all the great Jewish cases.
The case of Leo Frank, a Jew, charged with the peculiarly vicious murder of a Georgia factory girl, was defended by Mr. Marshall. It was one of those cases where the whole world is whipped into excitement because a Jew is in trouble. It is almost an indication of the racial character of a culprit these days to note how much money is spent for him and how much fuss is raised concerning him. It seems to be a part of Jewish loyalty to prevent if possible the Gentile law being enforced against Jews. The Dreyfus case and the Frank case are examples of the endless publicity the Jews secure in behalf of their own people.
[Marshall] works on the principle that “the Jew can do no wrong.”
Jewish publicity did to Georgia what it did to Russia ~ grossly misrepresented it, and so ceaselessy as to create a false impression generally.
When Russia fell, Louis Marshall hailed it with delight. The New York Times begins its story on March 19, 1917:
“Hailing the Russian upheaval as the greatest world event since the French Revolution, Louis Marshall in an interview for the New York Times last night said” ~ a number of things, among which was the statement that the events in Russia were no surprise. Of course they were not, the events being of Jewish origin, and Mr. Marshall being the recipient of the most intimate international news.
Even the new Russian revolutionary government made reports to Louis Marshall, as is shown by the dispatch printed in the New York Times of April 3, 1917, in which Baron Gunzburg reports what had been done to assure to the Jews the full advantage of the Russian upheaval.
This glorification of the Jewish overthrow of Russia, it must be remembered, occurred before the world knew what Bolshevism was
This TIJ account, it must be remembered, occurred before Stalin’s willing executioners had even done their dirtiest work.
The murder of 12-year-old Julia Connors by a jew named Nathan Swartz in New York City in the summer of 1912 is a direct precedent. All but forgotten today, the crime was nationwide news at the time and no doubt still fresh in many minds when Leo Frank was accused of murdering Mary Phagan less than a year later.
The main difference is that Swartz confessed. He confided first in his father, who advised him to kill himself. Instead he got a change of clothes from his brother and absconded. Twelve days after the murder Swartz was found dead. He wrote notes admitting he had committed the murder, but denying he was responsibile.
A good summary of the case is provided in an article on SEXUAL CRIMES in Medical Art and Indianapolis Medical Journal, Volume 16, p402, published in January 1913:
Much present interest is attached to the recent brutal murder of little Julia Connors by Nathan Swartz. The details of this case are so fresh in the public mind through the secular press that a mere summary of the facts will suffice here.
At 5:30 p. m., on July 6, 1912, Swartz accidentally met Julia Connors, twelve years of age, but unusually well developed, a girl whom he did not know. Swartz accosted her and allowed her to look through an opera glass which he had in his hand. He lured her to flat occupied by his parents and their family. As soon as she passed the door he seized her by the throat, overpowered her, and threw her to the floor, when she became insensible. He then carried her to the roof and from there down a vacant flat in the adjoining house and into a bath room. In this flat he made about twenty jabs in her back with a knife, slashed her throat and forearms, and stabbed her in the heart. At about half past nine o’clock he thought the child was dead. He had stripped her, in his father’s flat, of her clothing, except a “union suit.” It was found that he had made forty-one rents in this garment with his knife. He then returned to his father’s flat and procured a soap box, which he carried to the place of the murder. He crowded the girl and her clothing into this box, having cut off a great part of her hair.
The details of the finding of the girl the next morning barely alive, her death soon after, and the action of the police have no scientific importance.
The day after the murder and after the body had been found, Swartz, of his own accord, confessed the crime to his father. His father gave him $1.25 to buy a pistol and told him to kill himself and save the family further disgrace. Swartz then disappeared. On the morning of July 18th, twelve days after the murder, he was found dead in a lodging house, having committed suicide by inhaling illuminating gas. In an open letter, unsigned and unaddressed, the general contents of which seem perfectly rational, he wrote:
“I want to say that if I will happen to be revived in order to be executed, why, I will take that medicine just the same. * * * I’m sorry I done it, but I got crazy as I often do and you can’t blame me nor any one.”
On an old linen collar he wrote: “I am guilty, and am insane. It was caused by the beautiful makeup of women.”
See also KILLED LITTLE GIRL, SWARTZ CONFESSED – Missing Man’s Father Breaks Down and Clears Up the Julia Connors Murder Case. – Front Page – NYTimes.com, 17 July 1912.
Jews acknowledge that somebody must have killed Mary Phagan. If (as they insist) it wasn’t Frank, then it must have been somebody else. Their preferred scapegoat is Jim Conley, the black sweeper at NPC.
100 Reasons Leo Frank Is Guilty | The American Mercury:
1. Only Leo Frank had the opportunity to be alone with Mary Phagan, and he admits he was alone with her in his office when she came to get her pay — and in fact he was completely alone with her on the second floor. Had Jim Conley been the killer, he would have had to attack her practically right at the entrance to the building where he sat almost all day, where people were constantly coming and going and where several witnesses noticed Conley, with no assurance of even a moment of privacy.
22. Jim Conley told police two obviously false narratives before finally breaking down and admitting that he was an accessory to Leo Frank in moving of the body of Mary Phagan and in authoring, at Frank’s direction, the “death notes” found near the body in the basement. These notes, ostensibly from Mary Phagan but written in semi-literate Southern black dialect, seemed to point to the night watchman as the killer. To a rapt audience of investigators and factory officials, Conley re-enacted his and Frank’s conversations and movements on the day of the killing. Investigators, and even some observers who were very skeptical at first, felt that Conley’s detailed narrative had the ring of truth.
23. At trial, the leading — and most expensive — criminal defense lawyers in the state of Georgia could not trip up Jim Conley or shake him from his story.
24. Conley stated that Leo Frank sometimes employed him to watch the entrance to the factory while Frank “chatted” with teenage girl employees upstairs. Conley said that Frank admitted that he had accidentally killed Mary Phagan when she resisted his advances, and sought his help in the hiding of the body and in writing the black-dialect “death notes” that attempted to throw suspicion on the night watchman. Conley said he was supposed to come back later to burn Mary Phagan’s body in return for $200, but fell asleep and did not return.
25. Blood spots were found exactly where Conley said that Mary Phagan’s lifeless body was found by him in the second floor metal room. [In the podcast I incorrectly dismissed this point as redundant with 27. I note now that the two points refer to two different sets of blood spots. – Tanstaafl]
26. Hair that looked like Mary Phagan’s was found on a Metal Room lathe immediately next to where Conley said he found her body, where she had apparently fallen after her altercation with Leo Frank.
27. Blood spots were found exactly where Conley says he dropped Mary Phagan’s body while trying to move it. Conley could not have known this. If he was making up his story, this is a coincidence too fantastic to be accepted.
28. A piece of Mary Phagan’s lacy underwear was looped around her neck, apparently in a clumsy attempt to hide the deeply indented marks of the rope which was used to strangle her. No murderer could possibly believe that detectives would be fooled for an instant by such a deception. But a murderer who needed another man’s help for a few minutes in disposing of a body might indeed believe it would serve to briefly conceal the real nature of the crime from his assistant, perhaps being mistaken for a lace collar.
29. If Conley was the killer — and it had to be Conley or Frank — he moved the body of Mary Phagan by himself. The lacy loop around Mary Phagan’s neck would serve absolutely no purpose in such a scenario.
30. The dragging marks on the basement floor, leading to where Mary Phagan’s body was dumped near the furnace, began at the elevator — exactly matching Jim Conley’s version of events.
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Chapter 15 – The Racial Controversy
• The Truth is no Defence
• We have taken in refugees to Britain from Poland, Hungary and the Baltic States. None of these have needed Positive Discrimination or have caused riots.
• Enoch Powell’s career advancement came to an end in 1968 when he spoke out against the immigrant invasion. He ended his career on the back benches.
• Nationalist ‘witch hunts’ see people losing their jobs for being associated with the party
• A conspiracy is at work when there is an organised and deliberate attempt to conceal even part of the truth. John Tyndall
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Concerning Mark Cohen, Scott Aaron and Southern “anti-semitism”.
99 Years Ago: Did Leo Frank Confess?, by Mark Cohen, National Vanguard:
The testimony of Monteen Stover (who liked Frank and who was actually a supportive character witness for him) that Frank was missing from his office for those crucial five minutes was convincing. Few could believe that Stover — looking to pick up her paycheck, and waiting five minutes in the office for an opportunity to do so — would have been satisfied with a cursory glance at the room and therefore somehow missed Frank behind the open safe door as he had alleged.
A summary of Frank’s “confessions”:
• Confession Number One — April 26, 1913: Leo Frank’s murder confession number one was made to Jim Conley when Leo Frank told him he had tried to “be with her” (have sexual intercourse with Mary Phagan) and she refused him. According to Conley, Frank then stated he had hit her, knocking her down, then adding “I guess I struck her too hard and she fell and hit her head against something.” Some of Mary Phagan’s bloody hair was discovered on Monday, April 28, 1913, by Robert P. Barret on the handle of a lathe in the second floor Metal Room.
• Confession Number Two — April 26, 1913: According to the McKnight family, Leo Frank confessed to murdering Mary Phagan to his wife Lucille Selig Frank on the evening of April 26, 1913, at around 10:30 pm, saying to his wife that he didn’t know why he would murder — and asking his wife for his pistol so he could shoot himself. Lucille reportedly told her family, and her household cook and cleaning lady Minola McKnight, about what happened that evening. Minola McKnight told her husband Albert McKnight, and full documentation can be found in State’s Exhibit J (see the Appendix to this article). Decades later, Lucille Selig Frank refused to be buried in the Frank family plot next to her husband, leaving explicit instructions to the contrary.
• Leo Frank Murder Confession Number Three — August 18, 1913: This is the “unconscious bathroom visit” statement delivered by Frank to the court in his unsworn statement, placing him unequivocally at the murder scene at the critical time. Frank would also reaffirm this admission in a newspaper interview published by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on March 9th, 1914.
Who is Mark Cohen?
Abraham Foxman and Jewish Anti-Defamation League on the Leo Frank Case: 100 Years of Blaming Anti-Semitism and Perpetuating Racist Anti-Gentile Conspiracies to Smear European-American Southerners, at leofrank.org, led me to a July 2012 article on National Vanguard, Leo Frank: Who Really Solved the Mary Phagan Murder Case?:
“Mark Cohen” is the nom de guerre of a man who has devoted his life and fortune to exposing a “century-long conspiracy of those who knowingly omitted testimony and fabricated evidence” to cover up the Leo Frank case
Government policy reflected the prevailing attitude concerning race and racial differencs at the time of the Frank trial, the gist of which is captured in the term separate but equal:
Separate but equal was a legal doctrine in United States constitutional law that justified and permitted racial segregation, as not being in breach of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution which guaranteed equal protection under the law to all citizens, and other federal civil rights laws. Under the doctrine, services, facilities, public accommodations, housing, medical care, education, employment, and transportation were allowed to be separated along racial lines, provided that the quality of each group’s public facilities was equal. The phrase was derived from a Louisiana law of 1890, although the law actually used the phrase “equal but separate.”[1]
The doctrine was confirmed in the Plessy v. Ferguson decision of 1896, which allowed state-sponsored segregation. Though segregation laws existed before that case, the decision emboldened segregation states during the Jim Crow era, which had commenced in 1876 and replaced the Black Codes, which had restricted the civil rights and civil liberties of African Americans with no pretense of equality. 17 states had various institutionalized separation laws.
The doctrine was overturned by a series of Supreme Court decisions starting with Brown v. Board of Education in 1954.
My search for information about Mark Cohen led to Scott Aaron’s leofrank.info. Aaron tries to strike an equivocal pose by imagining a “middle path” between truth and lies, and pretending that there was, is, or ever can be a kind of “separate but equal” arrangement between Whites and jews.
As Aaron explains in Why I Write: Three Strangling Deaths – The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frank:
The case aroused the outrage and ire and vengeance of two great communities. One, the Jewish community, feel overwhelmingly today, and felt to a lesser but still substantial extent in 1913, that Leo Frank was tried and condemned simply because he was a Jew. They believe that Leo Frank is so obviously innocent that he never would have been tried had it not been for endemic anti-Semitism in 1913 Atlanta. And they have been remarkably effective in making Southern anti-Semitism the leitmotif of virtually all drama, documentary, and other remembrance of this case for the last half century. The other, the largely Christian Southern gentile community, believed overwhelmingly in 1913 — and to an unknown but doubtlessly large degree still believes today — that justice was done when all the jurors, and every appeal court in the land including the Supreme Court of the United States, after a monumental and impressively-funded defense, agreed that Leo Frank was fairly tried and convicted for the murder of Mary Phagan. And it must rankle Southerners almost beyond words to be accused of anti-Semitism, when no Christian community anywhere on earth has so respected and welcomed Jews, has so openly acknowledged its spiritual roots in Judaism, or has so enthusiastically supported the Jewish state of Israel.
Aaron describes well enough the increasingly obvious inequality between Whites and jews. He writes out of a concern that this could be bad for the jews:
Will this rediscovery of the truth cause a backlash of real anti-Semitism against Southern Jews or Jews in general? I think not. Just because a few soi-disant [self-styled, so-called] leaders, cranks, and self-promoters palmed off their paranoiac vision of the Frank case on a generation is no reason for a real vendetta. I intend to show that a middle path that respects truth above ethnic and religious loyalty is needed, and Jewish voices should be prominent in leading the way if we are to avoid another swing of the knife-edged pendulum of hate.
One of the most remarkable things I discovered when writing this book was that many of the original articles about this case – even major ones – and affidavits, sworn statements, and utterances of great import from the central participants in the case, were not available online, not searchable, not findable, not even readable. That is, until a courageous man named Mark Cohen, almost 100 years after the fact, scanned in and uploaded nearly all the relevant contemporary newspapers, magazines, and surviving trial materials to his Web site, leofrank.org. I deeply appreciate Mr. Cohen’s efforts in doing this service for us, for our posterity, and for history. (I do not, however, endorse all of Mr. Cohen’s theories of, or conclusions about, this case.) It was a monumental effort that must have taken years.
Aaron minimizes jewish wrongdoing by painting it as the exception and limiting the time frame. The truth is that the “paranoiac vision” of jewish leaders is the rule and the moderation Aaron calls for is the exception. The truth is that jews on the whole have supported Frank from the day he was arrested right up until today. Six short words sum up the attitude of every generation of jews for the past 100 years: “Wrongly accused, Falsely convicted, Wantonly murdered.” They continue to come to Frank’s defense using the flimsiest arguments and by trying to transfer blame to others. In their narrative Frank and jews on the whole are the ones who have been wronged.
There is no sign whatsoever that this will change, and Aaron’s call for “jewish voices” to “be prominent in leading the way” is a call for more of the same of what has been going on for the past century. Aaron simply wants jews to moderate their narrative, to make it less unbelievable. He fears that the gap between their story and reality is too large and too obvious and thus might cause a backlash. He either doesn’t understand or doesn’t want the non-jews he’s posturing for to understand that inverting reality is what jews do, what jews always do, and that they can’t stop doing it because it’s an essential part of who they are. The jewish narrative, their self-image as victims, is part of how their parasitism works. It puts their host on the defensive and provides self-justification for their aggression.
Like Aaron, my hat is off to “Mark Cohen” and his work. Unlike Aaron, it’s not because I have mistaken “Mark Cohen” for an exceptional jew who helps make jews on the whole look more moderate and fair-minded than they really are.
Aaron does however seem to recognize the jewish canard about Southern “anti-semitism”, and this is noted in 100 Reasons Leo Frank Is Guilty, at The American Mercury:
91. The writer Scott Aaron gives insight into Southern attitudes toward Jews when he says: “In the race-conscious South of 1913, Jews were considered white. In fact, in the newspapers of Atlanta before, during, and after the trial of Leo Frank for the murder of Mary Phagan, Frank was referred to as a ‘white man’ on innumerable occasions by reporters, witnesses, African-Americans, fellow Jews, pro-Frank partisans, and anti-Frank polemicists. Jews, furthermore, were not known for violent acts or crimes, nor feared as violators of white women. If anything, they were seen as an unusually industrious, intelligent, and law-abiding segment of society, even if they were a bit peculiar in their religious views.
“Marriage between Jews and Christians might have raised a few eyebrows in both communities – just as did intermarriage between members of widely different Christian denominations – but it was far from unknown, and such couples were not ostracized. In fact, Leo Frank’s own brother-in-law, Mr. Ursenbach, with whom he canceled an appointment to see a baseball game on the day Mary Phagan was killed, was a Christian.
“If there was prejudice against Leo Frank in 1913 Atlanta, it was almost certainly not because he was a Jew. He was, however, a capitalist, a business owner, a manager, an employer of child labor, and a Northerner with an Ivy League education. He also came to be known during the course of the trial as sexually profligate. These facts probably did count against him.”
92. Aaron also cites a study funded and published by a Jewish group: “John Higham, in his ‘Social Discrmination Against Jews 1830 – 1930,’ a work commissioned by the American Jewish Committee, called the South ‘historically the section least inclined to ostracize Jews,’ and drew attention to the ‘striking Southern situation’ of almost no discrimination against Jews there. True, Jewish-Gentile relations had somewhat declined there by the mid-twentieth century, and the massive campaign during the Frank appeals to paint his prosecution, and the South generally, as anti-Semitic — and the eventual creation of the Anti-Defamation League in the wake of Frank’s death — played their part in this change…
“But the aftermath of the Frank trial had no part, of course, in the attitudes of the people of Atlanta on the day Mary Phagan was murdered. All things considered, the South in general and Atlanta in particular seem to have been, if anything, safe havens for Jews where they might escape from the anti-Semitism that was rampant around the beginning of the last century.”
93. Southern attitudes toward Jews can be further gauged by the fact that, during the Civil War, Southerners made a Jew their Secretary of the Treasury: Judah P. Benjamin was the first Jewish appointee to any Cabinet position in any North American government. Benjamin also served as Attorney General, Secretary of State, and Secretary of War for the Confederate States of America. He was so highly regarded that his portrait graced the paper money of the South. Meanwhile, around the same time, Northern general Ulysses S. Grant issued an order physically expelling all Jews from the parts of the South under his control, even demanding that they leave a huge multi-state area “within 24 hours.”
The claim that a pervasive and vicious anti-Semitism was the real reason for the prosecution and conviction of Leo Frank is an absurd lie and a fantastic misrepresentation of history. Nevertheless, it is now the stuff of innumerable works of alleged scholarship, drama, and fiction, and is viewed by naive students who are exposed to such works as the central “truth” of the case. If Leo Frank were innocent, why would his supporters have to fabricate such blatant impostures and engage in emotional blackmail on a colossal scale?
The asymmetry in attitudes between “anti-semitism” and jewish ethnocentrism as motives mirrors the inequality between Whites and jews. Whites recoil from the charge of “anti-semitism”. They regard it as something to deny rather than as an attack. Jews don’t recoil from recognition of their ethnocentrism. They regard it as an attack and respond by attacking.
Southern Whites did indeed respect and welcome jews, and it was to their own detriment. The Southerners gave and the jews took. The jews aren’t grateful. In the 100 years since, the jews have allied themselves with the blacks and overthrown White dominance. Today the jew-controlled mainstream media pours hatred on Whites everywhere with impungnity. They pour hatred most especially on White Southerners, and most especially on the poorest and most powerless. White Southerners like Mary Phagan.
Today Atlanta is a black city. Whites having been leaving in droves for decades. Jews are flocking in. That’s where respecting and welcoming jews gets you.
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Indra |
Rig.Veda. I 130.8 tells of how the “black skin” was conquered:
“Indra protected in battle the Aryan worshipper, he subdued the lawless for Manu, he conquered the black skin.”
A Discussion with Sven Longshanks of Fascovereign Blog
Sven is also a contributor on the Daily Stormer and has created a site called Aryan Israel
• The Old Testament is a racially exclusive book for Aryans. Race and caste was as important for Abraham as it was for the ancient Aryan Hindus. The symbols and attributes of Indra, the King of the gods, are the same as those of Yahweh.
• Israel is all the people and nations descended from Jacob Israel, Abraham’s son, not a piece of land in the Middle East
• The European people can be shown to be the true descendants of Israel, from physical descriptions in the Bible, historical records and fulfilled prophecies.
• Today’s ‘Semites’ claim to be descended from Shem, one of the sons of Noah, but since Arabs and Jews are mixed-races, this is a lie. They come from an unlawful marriage, which is a marriage between two different kinds, and have no claim to the heritage of Shem
• Jews follow the Talmud, not the Old Testament. They have two Torahs, and when they say they are devoted to the Torah, they mean they are devoted to the Torah SheBeal Peh – the Talmud. The Torah Shebichtav is the Old Testament, and remains as an ornament on the wall of the synagogue for most of the year.
• Christian values are the same as traditional White values: Love your neighbour (racial kinsman) as yourself, Honour your father and mother (your ancestors), No fornication (race mixing), No usury, Live separately to the other races and have nothing to do with them
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