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Holding the Jews Accountable

A continuation of Misconstruing the Jews.

An Address to “Gentiles” on the Jewish Question – Episode 85, THE INTERNATIONAL JEW:

The Jewish Question has existed for a long time, as the Jew knows and admits, and is a consequence of certain un-Jewish, or rather un-Israelitish ideas held by Jewish persons of power. The disability under which the Jew labors is that he is not a Jew, properly speaking, and does not desire to be. Just at that point is the soil and the root of the Jewish Question.

Tackling the Jewish Question is not congenial work. The Race which this article now addresses has always shrunk from tackling it. Our Race has little disposition to chastise any portion of humanity, to arouse feeling or resist it. We have little taste for this surgical work which becomes absolutely necessary when certain corrupt influences deeply dislocate and seriously injure the common life. Nothing but a clear vision of the danger, nothing but an imperative sense of duty would impel any one of us to embark on a course which is subject to misunderstanding and which must, in the nature of things, wait long for its complete justification. Our Race is too fair, and has always been too fair, to enter hastily into judgement ~ and upon this fairness and long-suffering the offending groups have often seriously trespassed.

Regarded by itself, as a separate entity, the Jewish Power is most impressive. International Jews today occupy literally every controlling lever of power. Building up for centuries, perfecting their teamwork from generation to generation, from country to country, they have practically reached the summit. Nothing but the Christian religion remains unvanquished by them, though through false “liberalism” even that has felt the Jewish assault.

Besides this massive array of power, immovable as it appears, there is the veil cast over the Christian mind as to the supposedly peculiar destiny of “God’s chosen people.” The Christian cannot read the Bible except through Jewish spectacles, and, therefore, reads it wrong. The idea of “the chosen people” is one of the two great biblical ideas, but that the Jews constitute this Chosen People is entirely opposed to the statement of the Bible ~ even of the Bible which the Jews acknowledge, the Old Testament of the Christians.

“But what shall we do?” is the constant question; “How shall we balk this system which surrounds us and infects so much of our common life?”

Observe it, identify it, eschew it ~ that is more powerful than active opposition. The clear eye of the man who sees and understands is something that even the evil powers of Jewry cannot endure.

Also referenced: All-Hosts Get-Together and Puttin da Muhfugging Bullit Throo da Muhfugging Boozeye.

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Misconstruing the Jews

Is the problem in the White mind or in our genes? I think it’s both, but the problem in our mind has arisen more recently and is more easily fixed. Whites aren’t lacking in either competency or courage. What Whites lack is collective self-awareness, and without it we cannot have a proper sense of moral legitimacy rooted in our collective interests.

This lacking comes from a misunderstanding of life itself – that life is competitive, and in any competition groups trump individuals. Along with this misunderstanding comes the failure to recognize the Other, especially the jews. Also, a tendency toward group solipsism, or Eurocentrism, which manifests as a tendency to see and blame only or mostly ourselves, neglecting the competition from others, especially the jews.

And it is not enough to simply recognize the Other. Hugh Dorsey recognized the jews as a race separate and apart from his own, as good but no better, i.e. equal. This attitude, no doubt shared by many Southern Whites in 1913, represented a failure to recognize the jews for what they are, as hostile and harmful to the long-term survival of Whites, as the enemy.

This failure is part of a broader failure to recognize and associate the influence and actions of jews with the jews. This does not happen by chance. It is the result of very deliberate and persistent jewish effort. This is why control over media and education is important to the jews. Maintaining their blamelessness by always shifting the blame elsewhere is the whole point of the jewish narrative. The same end is also served by their crypsis, the various efforts they take to disguise themselves.

Henry Ford’s The International Jew was a wonderful effort to address this failure – to explicitly identify jewish activities and influence and attach them to the jews. Even so, the tenor and tone was at times too concilliatory, or at least too diplomatic.

I consider the final chapter of TIJ, discussed by Carolyn Yeager and Hadding Scott in An Address to “Gentiles” on the Jewish Question – Episode 85, a case in point. It begins:

“Everywhere they wanted to remain Jews, and everywhere they were granted the privilege of establishing a State within a State. By virtue of these privileges and exemptions, and immunity from taxes, they would soon rise above the general condition of the citizens of the municipalities where they resided; they had better opportunities for trade and accumulation of wealth, whereby they excited jealousy and hatred.”

— Lazare.

This is, in fact, a recurring pattern throughout history. The privileges don’t just fall into their laps. They whine, bribe, extort, and otherwise lobby for those priviledges. The never stop seeking superior treatment. They mask their push behind the pretense that they and their proxies are uniquely under-privileged and seek only equality.

Bernard Lazare was an apologist for the jews. He could not conceive that the defrauded have no cause to envy their defrauders, or that fraud naturally results in hatred.

From an introduction to Lazare’s notorious book, Antisemitism: Its History and Causes, 1894:

One will find Lazare’s book cited at many anti-semitic websites and in in anti-semitic publications. The reason for this is that Lazare conducted a major reveiw of the history of anti-semitism and, to a very large decree, can be read as having put the blame on Jews themselves.

This, however, is a misreading of his work. From the way he is cited by anti-semites it may come as something of a surprise to note that Lazare, a journalist, was famous as the first defender of Captain Dreyfus – the first Drefusyard. Moreover, he was perhaps the first French Jewish intellectual to commit fully to Zionism as a political solution. Here are comments by Aron Rodrigue.

Bernard Lazare has interested commentators and historians not only for his contribution to the revision of the Dreyfus case but also for his distinction as the first French Jew to make the transition from an almost self-hating endorsement of total assimilation as a solution to the Jewish problem to a full embrace of the cause of Zionism.

In Chapter Ten: The Race Lazare expresses a typically jewish denial of race. Noting that “anti-semites” see the jews as racially distinct, he writes:

Race is, however, a fiction. No human group exists that can boast of having had two original ancestors and having descended from them without any adulteration of the primitive stock through mixture; human races are not pure, i.e., strictly speaking, there is no such thing as a race.

Denial of race is part and parcel of jewish crypsis.

Returning to TIJ:

An Address to “Gentiles” on the Jewish Problem

The heading of this article presents difficulties. The correct use of the term “Gentile” is in question. It is a name that has been given us, not by ourselves, but by Jews, and it is by no means certain that it is accurately given. A very great chance exists that it is not. That, however, is a matter which “gentiles” do not bother to understand; they think, of course, that if one is not a Jew one must be a gentile This is only another instance of the Jewish view being “put over” without the “gentile” understanding or even questioning it.

There is another difficulty: how shall one address “gentiles” collectively?

This scrutinization of “gentile”/jew is interesting to compare and contrast to “people of color”/White.

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The Jewish Problem

The jewish problem is a White problem, the key to many other White problems.

Who are the jews, what is the problem: poison. The central characteristic is dishonesty – the bad faith and dual nature with which they present themselves. They lie about who they are. They lie about what they want.

The jews problem has existed as long as the jews have and follows them wherever they go. Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Gothic Spain, and the Ottoman Empire for example. What do all these societies have in common? They all had a jewish problem, and they’re all gone now.

Excerpts from Carolyn Yeager’s Thoughts on the Jewish Problem and the HoloHoax:

Some people get upset when the word ” holohoax” is used instead of “holocaust,” thinking it is unnecessarily antagonizing to Jews — but I think it is proper, if just to keep from having to repeat their word, Holocaust, over and over and thus reinforcing a word that to those of us in the know, is offensive to us.

The idea I’m presenting is that the real problem we face is The Jewish Problem, also known as “the Jewish Question” – which Jewry turns around on us and calls antisemitism. Henry Ford’s early publication of his ambitious work was titled The International Jew – The World’s Foremost Problem.

The major effort of the Jews throughout history has been to prevent their expulsion from their host countries. Think about it – as parasites, which they truly are, it is critical to their survival to remain in host countries.

Everything in nature is built, or has evolved, with survival as the strongest, most primary instinct or value. Survival is our first concern as humans, before anything else can matter. For Jews, survival depends on the willingness of their hosts to allow the Jews to live as parasites among them. This requires a great amount of propaganda and thought-control by the Jews, which is why they went first of all for control of communication outlets, which we now call Media.

Through their foresight, planning and propaganda, they managed to disable the survival instinct of their White host population by convincing us that our survival was not at risk. The very idea seemed impossible to us and was not entertained … until very recent times when we see with our bare eyes (if we’re not blind) the terribly dangerous demographic and political situation we are facing.

Considering this, defining the rightness or wrongness of expelling Jews en masse from any of their host nations is the key to solving The Jewish Problem. The idea that it is wrong to do so, and cannot be justified under any circumstances, IS The Jewish Problem today.

This campaign to create a total intolerance of antisemitism is a huge project of International Jewry. The Alliance Israelite Universelle was founded in 1860 in France as an international organization to defend against any perceived slurs or “attacks” on Jews anywhere in the world.

Hoax, Wikipedia:

A hoax is a deliberately fabricated falsehood made to masquerade as truth.

Hoax, the Free Online Dictionary:

1. An act intended to deceive or trick.

2. Something that has been established or accepted by fraudulent means.

Parasitism, Wikipedia:

Parasitism is a non-mutual relationship between organisms of different species where one organism, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the other, the host.

parasites are generally much smaller than their host

Parasites show a high degree of specialization, and reproduce at a faster rate than their hosts.

Parasites reduce host biological fitness by general or specialized pathology, such as parasitic castration and impairment of secondary sex characteristics, to the modification of host behaviour. Parasites increase their fitness by exploiting hosts for resources necessary for their survival, e.g. food, water, heat, habitat, and transmission.

Parasites whose life cycle involves the death of the host, to exit the present host and sometimes to enter the next, evolve to be more virulent or even alter the behavior or other properties of the host to make it more vulnerable to predators.

Virulence, Wikipedia:

Virulence is by MeSH definition the degree of pathogenicity within a group or species of parasites as indicated by case fatality rates and/or the ability of the organism to invade the tissues of the host. The pathogenicity of an organism – its ability to cause disease – is determined by its virulence factors.[1] The noun virulence derives from the adjective virulent. Virulent can describe either disease severity or a pathogen’s infectivity.[2] The word virulent derives from the Latin word virulentus, meaning “a poisoned wound” or “full of poison.”[2][3]

In an ecological context, virulence can be defined as the host’s parasite-induced loss of fitness.

George Lincoln Rockwell’s The Fable of the Ducks and the Hens puts the jewish problem in parable form. See also this illustrated video version, narrated by Edgar J. Steele.

Biden on Jewish Influence.

The podcast will be broadcast and available for download on Tuesday at 9PM ET.

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Media, Identity and the Boston Bombing – Part 2

David Sirota twits:

The eerie way the history of violence repeats itself [links The Boston backlash is rooted in America’s paranoid past]

The eerie repeating pattern is jews siding with the immigrant/alien Other while pathologizing and demonizing Whites for even recognizing there are Others. For example, see Sirota or the anti-White opinions he agrees with…

The Boston backlash is rooted in America’s paranoid past, Salon.com, by Andrew O’Hehir, 27 Apr 2013:

I’m talking about the 1901 assassination of President William McKinley by an unemployed 28-year-old anarchist named Leon Czolgosz

Superficially, the America of McKinley’s time – a nation of 76 million people dominated by an Anglo-Saxon Protestant elite, in which only a handful of nonwhites and women were even permitted to vote — has little in common with the America of Barack Obama. But the nativist paranoia about alien ideologies and alien religions remains strikingly familiar, as does the quest for “enemy combatants” behind every door and under every sofa. If you ask me, the real enemy combatants, now as in 1901, are right here at home, ready and willing to surrender our remaining rights and freedoms in the name of rooting out the supposedly imported virus of evil.

Over the last few days we’ve heard a lot of delirious right-wing chatter, very little of which has any direct relevance to the bizarre and painful case of the Tsarnaev brothers. Most obviously, the Tea Party troika of Rep. Michele Bachmann, Sen. Ted Cruz and Sen. Rand Paul seem determined to twist this story into a reason to persecute Muslims in general and derail immigration reform. (Of course, they want to do those things under any and all circumstances; Boston is merely a pretext.)

A few months before shooting McKinley, Czolgosz met the legendary Russian-born anarchist Emma Goldman at a speech she gave in Cleveland, where she reportedly said that she understood why anarchist revolutionaries turned to violence to overthrow despots, although she stopped short of endorsing it. Czolgosz told police later that her words had burned themselves into his brain.

But while he was on Death Row, Goldman wrote an eloquent and tormented essay called “The Tragedy at Buffalo” that compared Czolgosz to Brutus, the assassin of Julius Caesar, and praised his courage and daring without quite embracing his crime. (She somehow neglected to mention that she had met him at least twice.)

I don’t believe I had ever read Goldman’s essay before this week, but it strikes an oddly similar tone to the article I wrote for Salon last weekend, inquiring into the “massive and disheartening national freakout” that followed the Boston bombing.

Goldman was vilified on all sides for her undeniably peculiar defense of a man who was widely seen, even at the time, as a mentally unbalanced loner. But it’s worth considering what she says about Leon Czolgosz when we think about the Tsarnaev brothers. Her essential point is that Czolgosz wasn’t much of an anarchist but was definitely an American, “a child of Columbia,” shaped by conditions of economic inequality in which “a small band of parasites have robbed the American people, and trampled upon the fundamental principles laid down by the forefathers of this country.” He was nurtured, she suggests, on “a perverted conception of patriotism, and the fallacious notion that all are equal and that each one has the same opportunity to become a millionaire (provided he can steal the first hundred thousand dollars).” Realizing that all that was a lie, she says, essentially sent him around the bend.

If that critique sounds strikingly contemporary, so does Goldman’s Dr. Phil-style amateur psychology. She describes Czolgosz as “a soul in pain, a soul that could find no abode in this cruel world of ours.” That’s ladling it on pretty thick, but we’ve already heard at least the elder Tsarnaev described in similar terms.

Czolgosz and the Tsarnaevs were dangerous enough, in their way. But not dangerous enough to destroy America. Only we can do that.

“We” who? O’Hehir pretends jews are “white” while regarding them as completely different. The Oscars’ old, white, male problem, Salon.com, by Andrew O’Hehir, 21 Feb 2012:

It’s worth noting, by the way, that the Times pointedly did not inquire into the religious or ethnic affiliations of the Academy’s white members. I can’t deny being curious about the question of how Jewish the Academy is these days, and you might be able to construct a non-offensive argument for why that’s relevant information. But it’s information that ugly people would use for ugly reasons, and you can’t blame the reporters and editors involved for not jabbing a stick into that particular hornets’ nest. (Internet comment threads on this topic are likely to be bad enough without raising the subject directly.) For the record, I suspect anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists might be a little disappointed. Of course it’s true that Hollywood retains some of its traditional identity as an industry founded by Jewish immigrants at a time when other business ventures were closed to them.

Another might be to institute radical reforms, as suggested by 2001 best-actor winner and longtime member Denzel Washington: “If the country is 12 percent black, make the Academy 12 percent black. If the nation is 15 percent Hispanic, make the Academy 15 percent Hispanic.”

Andrew Rosenthal, the New York Times’ editorial page editor since January 2007, who oversees the editorial board, the letters and Op-Ed departments, and Sunday Review asks, What’s the Difference Between McVeigh and Tsarnaev?, NYTimes.com, 22 Apr 2013:

The argument that we should treat Mr. Tsarnaev as an enemy combatant boils down to his religion and his ethnic origin. This is the kind of logic that led the United States to imprison Japanese-Americans during World War 2, and to far worse acts of ethnically and racially motivated violence in other countries.

More from Rosenthal, The Boston Bombing and Immigration, NYTimes.com, 26 Apr 2013:

And when did the United States start excluding immigrants from dangerous places? Seems to me that they fall into the categories of “huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” not to mention “wretched refuse” of teeming shores and the “homeless, tempest-tossed.”

Emma Lazarus, Wikipedia:

She is an important forerunner of the Zionist movement. She argued for the creation of a Jewish homeland thirteen years before Theodor Herzl began to use the term Zionism.

Mona Charen, Wikipedia:

Mona Charen is an American columnist and political analyst, and the author of two best-selling books, Useful Idiots: How Liberals Got it Wrong in the Cold War and Still Blame America First (2003) and Do-Gooders: How Liberals Hurt Those They Claim to Help (and the Rest of Us) (2005). She was also a weekly panelist on CNN’s Capital Gang until its cancellation. Her political stance is conservative.[1] Charen usually writes about foreign policy, terrorism, politics, and culture. She regularly writes about her Jewish faith[2] and is also known for her generally pro-Israel views.

Charen served as Jack Kemp’s speechwriter during his unsuccessful 1988 presidential bid.

The Hatred in the Heart of White America, by Mona Charen:

We Americans are not confused about the morality of what happened in Birmingham that September morning in 1963, nor during the Jim Crow era in America generally. We do not hesitate to condemn utterly the behavior and the beliefs of the Ku Klux Klan (the perpetrators of this bombing and others) and their white supremacist fellow travelers. We do not worry that reviling white supremacists and their grotesque deeds will somehow taint all white people.

Today, American liberals are obsessed not with terrorism but with the color and ethnicity of terrorists. They can readily enough attribute violent tendencies to groups they dislike — the tea party, for example, which hasn’t committed so much as a littering offense. But when it comes to Islamic terrorism, their voices falter.

Boston’s Mosques & Radical Ties – Radical Islam – Connecting The Clues – Wake Up America!!, FoxNews, posted 21 Apr 2013. The “expert” in this case is Charles Jacobs. He suggests viewers google muslims. Instead I googled him.

For ten years Jacobs’ one-man “group” has been telling government officials how they can better defend “American” interests by promoting peace and tolerance for jews. Here’s how he describes it:


Americans for Peace and Tolerance is a Boston-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to promoting peaceful coexistence in an ethnically diverse America by educating the American public about the need for a moderate political leadership that supports tolerance and core American values in communities across the nation.

About Us

Americans for Peace and Tolerance is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization composed of concerned citizens, academics, and community activists. As Christians, Moslems, and Jews, we are united by the need to keep America hate-free. We believe peaceful coexistence among diverse ethnic populations is only possible if we promote a climate of tolerance and civil society.


Americans for Peace and Tolerance is headed by Dr. Charles Jacobs, named by the Forward as one of America’s top 50 Jewish leaders. Jacobs has founded and led several highly successful organizations characterized by groundbreaking ideas and initiatives.

Jacobs’ disingenuous rhetoric for peace and tolerance is of a kind with the leftwing jewsmedia’s disingenuous rhetoric against prejudice and discrimination.

The podcast will be broadcast and available for download on Tuesday at 9PM ET.

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Media, Identity and the Boston Bombing – Part 1

Commentary on the importance and interplay of media and identity evident in the wake of the Boston bombing.

The main theme of the leftwing jewsmedia is two-pronged:

  • denigrate, pathologize and demonize Whites
  • elevate, normalize and lionize the immigrant/alien/Other

“White privilege” is their inversion of this reality.

The rightwing jewsmedia considers muslims and Islamic terrorism a more serious threat than Whites.

A jewish code of silence prevails on all sides. Nobody on the leftwing calls out the jewish nature of rightwing anti-islamism. Nobody on the rightwing calls out the jewish nature of leftwing anti-Whitism.

Joan Walsh, Are the Tsarnaev brothers white?, Salon.com, 22 Apr 2013:

Our confusion about whether the Tsarnaevs are “white,” and the right wing’s determination to say they aren’t, just underscores the eternally silly project of racial categorization anyway. Race is a social construct, mainly used to establish invidious hierarchies and scapegoats. Despite the persistence of racism and white advantage, these lines are beginning to blur in our increasingly mixed, multiracial society – but right-wingers are going to police these lines as long as they can.

The main point of Sirota’s piece – which I wouldn’t have written in quite the same way – was that since white Americans tend to escape scapegoating and profiling when members of their tribe do something bad, a white Boston bomber wouldn’t trigger a destructive new wave of racial profiling, anti-Muslim agitation or generalized xenophobia. Somehow it’s hard for the right, and even for many in the media, to see white abortion-clinic bombers, or even Timothy McVeigh, as every bit as guilty of terrorism as the Tsarnaevs, if not more so.

The determination to define the Tsarnaevs as non-white, no matter what the Census Bureau says, as well as label them “enemy combatants” based on no evidence, proves that in many ways, Sirota was absolutely right.

“White privilege” is confusing. What it means to professional anti-Whites like David Sirota, Tim Wise and Joan Walsh is that only they have the moral authority to decide who is or isn’t White – for them White identity is only valid to the extent it can be used for scapegoating.

S.E. Cupp Takes Joan Walsh To Task Over Liberal Hopes That Boston Bomber Would Be White, Mediaite, Noah Rothman, 24 Apr 2013:

Cupp asked Walsh to explain why outspoken liberals were so keen to link the Boston bombing with white people and conservatism in wake of the attack. Walsh replied that incidents of prejudice and discrimination would be reduced if the bombers had turned out to be white.

“We’re spending all this brainpower trying to figure out what sort of racial, ethnic box we can put these guys into,” said Krystal Ball of the Tsarnaev brothers. “Why is that important and why is it so hard to figure them out?”

“In the end, it’s not important,” Walsh replied. “I really do think that this whole discussion shows us – you know, proves once again that race is entirely a political and social construct.”

David Sirota, Americans should expect acts of terror, Salon.com, Apr 26, 2013:

With America having killed thousands of civilians in its wars, we should be appalled by acts of terrorism — but we shouldn’t be surprised by them. We should know that violence will inevitably come from those like the Boston bombing suspect who, according to the Washington Post, “told interrogators that the American wars in Iraq and Afghanistan motivated him and his brother to carry out the attack.”

Noting this is not to argue that such attacks are justified or that we deserve them. It is only to reiterate what Brokaw alluded to: Namely, that blowback should be expected in this age of Permanent War and that one way to potentially avert such blowback in the future is to try to deescalate the cycle of violence.

The podcast will be broadcast and available for download on Tuesday at 9PM ET.

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The Jewsmedia’s Impact on the Boston Bombing

A review of some major themes evident in last week’s jewsmedia frenzy, based on links and commentary taken from the following posts at Age of Treason:

The podcast will be broadcast and available for download on Tuesday at 9PM ET.

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False Visions of Hitler in the West, Part II: The Underlying Foreign Policies of Germany

Meeting of Chamberlain and HitlerIn this program, August discusses one of the more contentious issues underlying the Good War myth: That what drove Adolf Hitler’s foreign policy was a desire to undermine the West, including the British Empire and the United States.  He goes deeper into textual and historical material in search of Hitler’s actual attitudes toward the British Empire, the pivotal nation that a policy of presumed “world domination” would have to target.  In fact, as was discussed on the first episode of this installment, Hitler sought an alliance with the British Empire, and neither a compliant and submissive ally nor an antagonist to his actual foreign policy aims, which were to unite the German people and secure their existence.  In the second half of the show, August concludes that we must emphasize the racial dimensions of the impact of our World War II mythology above all, even if more mainstream revisionist and alternative views about the war may fail to strongly accentuate the underlying and important racial point.

In the course of the program, August also brings up:

  • Discussion of Patrick J. Buchanan’s book, Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost its Empire and the West Lost the World as a mainstream link to an important point not just about national decline, but more broadly, about our racial decline.
  • Mention of Hitler’s Second Book, written after Mein Kampf but unpublished, which has formed the subject of some controversy and which focuses on Hitler’s fundamental foreign policies.
  • The extent to which Hitler’s desire for an alliance with the British Empire was realistic and reflected the scope of the geopolitics of his era, in light of Hitler’s own awareness of the extent of Jewish influence on British finance.

Email: worldswomb AT gmail DOT com

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False Visions of Hitler in the West, Part I: Through the Gulf War to the Golden Dawn

Adolf Hitler with ChildrenSept. 19, 2012

In this first show of an Hour by the Window, August discusses some propaganda about World War II, about Adolf Hitler himself and the causes and conduct of the war, and their specific role in refashioning domestic policy, immigration policy, as well as foreign policy in significant ways not conducive to the benefit of European Americans.  He spends the first half discussing some of these domestic and foreign policy changes, maintaining that America’s vision of itself and the propaganda of Jews were decisive factors in those changes.  In the second half, August goes back to the personage of Adolf Hitler himself, addressing significant points about his ultimate foreign policy goals and intentions, and the causes of World War II.  Ultimately, he maintains that European Americans will never be able to escape a cycle of decline unless they come to terms with the past… a past that has been mythologized to their detriment.

In the course of the show, August also brings up other important issues:

  • The mythologizing of Jewish suffering in World War II into the story of the Holocaust.
  • Hitler’s desire for an alliance with the British Empire, stretching back to Mein Kampf, with reference to the 1937 Ribbentrop-Churchill meeting.
  • Comparisons between Hitler and heads of state in follow-ups to conflicts, in order to justify such conflicts in the minds of European Americans.
  • Media attacks on the Golden Dawn as an example of how nationalist and patriotic movements are consistently attacked in the Jewish media.

Email: worldswomb AT gmail DOT com

Above Image: Adolf Hitler with German children.

Break Music: “Progeny” from the Gladiator soundtrack, followed by a clip from Kenneth Branagh’s Hamlet, the gravedigger’s scene.

References: Professor Kevin MacDonald’s essay “The Jewish Role in Shaping American Immigration Policy 1881-1965“, John Toland’s Adolf Hitler, Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, and  Patrick J. Buchanan’s Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost its Empire and the West Lost the World.

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