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The Jews – Who, What, Why and How

Recapitulating this past year’s worth of podcasts and it’s overarching theme: the jews – who they are, what they do, why they do it, and how.

In the podcast I erroneously imply William Bateson was German, but he was English.

Age of Treason Radio will be on hiatus for the next two weeks, returning with new material on 10 December 2013.

The podcast will be broadcast and available for download on Tuesday at 9PM ET.

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4 Comments  comments 

4 Responses

  1. Mary

    You are an amazing person Tan. Thank you for your work, you have so much to be proud of!

  2. Gil Martin

    Great work! The series has been riveting and entertaining. And, now, it is available as a research and recruitment tool.

  3. weichseler

    Very well said.

  4. JoshuaF

    I am very glad you have lumped all these podcasts together because it is easy to lose the thread when they are done weekly. Thanks for all the research. A very valuable resource. I am doing them again at about 5 at a time!

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