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Charles Krafft on Artistic Alienation & Intellectual Honesty

Published on November 29, 2013 by in Blog

Charles Krafft on Artistic Alienation & Intellectual Honesty

Published on Nov 20, 2013

Ceramic artist Charles Krafft has been attacked by the press for his refusal to go along with the official story of WWII and the “holocaust”. This is the full version of his interview with Kyle Hunt from Renegades in America.

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Hiatus – 26 Nov 2013

There is no download this week. The broadcast consists of previously recorded installments dated 30 October 2012 through 7 May 2013. See The Jews – Who, What, Why and How for links.

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The Unforgivable Sins of Mark Weber

Published on November 25, 2013 by in Blog


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John Tyndall pt 5

John Tyndall addressing an NF by-election meeting in Ladywood, Birmingham, August 1977 – with Keith Jowsey, Election Agent (left) and Anthony Reed-Herbert, Parliamentary Candidate (centre).

The Eleventh Hour    

Chapter 7 – The Left

∙ “If there is one phrase that sums up the goal of communism – as opposed to the mere accoutrements – it is people control: the domination of populations by self-appointed elites owing no loyalty to any recognisable national group but dedicated to the achievement of a World Order, eventually to be presided over by a World Government“. John Tyndall – The Eleventh Hour

“We will not be successful in the fight against the hard left unless we extend that fight to a war against Liberalism in all its manifestations and all its products –  for both are part and parcel of the same forces that today combine in malignant alliance to destroy us”. John Tyndall – The Eleventh Hour

The coming of Tony Blaire and ‘New Labour’ does not portend any diminution of the Party’s commitment to buggery. One of the most prominent events attending Labour’s first party conference following its election victory of 1997 was a big ‘gay’ junket in Brighton to which the new Prime Minister  gladly gave his blessing. John Tyndall – The Eleventh Hour

∙The far Left continually love and make excuses for terrorists who attack British and other white peoples.

Justice for the 21 group

The Eleventh Hour

A history of the National Front



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Jews and Art; Germans and NSU; Mark Weber and IHR


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Arnold and His Jewish Aides at West Point – Episode 74


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The Jews – Who, What, Why and How

Recapitulating this past year’s worth of podcasts and it’s overarching theme: the jews – who they are, what they do, why they do it, and how.

In the podcast I erroneously imply William Bateson was German, but he was English.

Age of Treason Radio will be on hiatus for the next two weeks, returning with new material on 10 December 2013.

The podcast will be broadcast and available for download on Tuesday at 9PM ET.

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How and why the United States ‘turned’ Poland’s foreign policy in 1939


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John Tyndall pt4

Andrew Fountain with John Tyndall in 1977

Andrew Fountaine with John Tyndall in 1977

The Eleventh Hour 

A call for national rebirth – by John Tyndall

The corn Laws of 1846 lowers protective barriers on imports to Britain and ruins many British farmers.

• Liberals protest against South African Apartheid, ignoring the fact that black South Africans have the best standard of living in the whole of Africa (under the white man) and that many other African Countries are ruled by cruel post Colonial leaders who starve their own people.

• Liberal dilemma; to support their own Country in a Patriotic war to take back the Falkland Islands or support a ‘Fascist’ regime in Argentina?

• The Liberal mind has no concept of Honor, such a word is completely alien to them.

• Speeches from the National Front AGM of 2013. Richard Edmonds and Party Chairman Kevin Bryan speak.



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World War Two Revisionism with Piotr Zychowicz


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